kventil 2019 - In einem Buch über Heimautomatisierung gibt es einen kompletten Unterpunkt: “Wie bringe ich es meiner Frau bei.” 🙄 pic.twitter.com/vN5eErLG90
shortbread9241 Passive aggressive Alaskan map of the United States pic.twitter.com/kI8cAu0ZYo
deutschlisa_ Yesterday several colleagues from #ITD_2019 mentioned that they would love to have more time after a conference for digesting and reflecting upon all the input. Travelling home by train is great for that: you get reflection time with a view @flyingless #slowdown #staygrounded pic.twitter.com/SeKKFz2Siu
38% done with Currency, by Neal Stephenson: "But when the bells of Saint Olaf and of Sai... goodreads.com/user_status/sh…
AnneArdon De slogan die er overigens bij hoort is "AI: powered by humans", wat mooi gedemonstreerd werd door de securitymeneer die een bagagecheck bij mij deed en droogjes "o ja. Ons systeem houdt niet van boeken" zei.
labenzticker Neuhausen auf den Fildern (verbaler Ausdruck): Eine Wohnung „renovieren“, indem man ausgetretene Teppichböden und halb abgerissene Tapeten nicht etwa entfernt, sondern einfach durch neue überdeckt. labenz.neutsch.org/Neuhausen%20au…
RexChapman Savage. Wait for it... pic.twitter.com/xrI5nCeNQQ
StefanMuelller #ClimateAction in Germany next Friday. I am really impressed! And there will be more locations added in the next day. Join us. #AlleFuersKlima fridaysforfuture.de/map/klimastrei… pic.twitter.com/2fcvo1aL3B
wayfu despite all the technology i play, i think the most cyberpunk thing in my world is that i try and catch those few minutes in the morning when my kitchen gets a bit of second hand sun from a tilted window on the fourth floor
Vilinthril *All* names are made up, some more recent examples given here: funereal-disease.tumblr.com/post/187622676…
marasawr Dunkirk found passenger fares were only ~10% of their system’s budget with buses running mostly empty.
Economic benefits of a public transport system come from *people using it,* not ticket sales, so they made it free. (HT @tweetsintheME)
GretchenAMcC Instead, the article decided to include a random speech language pathologist who said that there was "no way to explain that to someone"
There is a way! "Woah" is very logical! I told the reporter about it!
deliprao There is an aversion, esp. among young/new researchers, to spend time with the data, to manually label data, to create test cases for models. The biggest things you can do give depth to your understanding (which is the central goal of research), is to do all of these. Please do.
MattAndersonNYT When you go to the theatre in Britain vs. When you go to the theatre in Germany pic.twitter.com/7H3vll2DQg
texttheater @derwahremawa Nina Hagen und Nena
@derwahremawa Nina Hagen und Nena