BoingBoing Veterinarian training video with man pretending to be terrified cat…
frachtschaden "beste & neueste Technik" = irgendjemand, der nicht ich bin, soll sich gefälligst irgendwas ausdenken, was plötzlich alles wieder gut macht. der-/diejenige kann das aufgrund einer ausbildung zum erfinder…
Fact: UX is short for urgonomix.
dannywallace Great call on @LBC just now.
MAN: “I just want to thank you Nigel, for all you’ve done for British politics. I was an ardent remainer. I voted remain. Until one moment that changed it all”
FARAGE: “Wow. And what was that moment?”
MAN: “I got kicked in the head by a horse.”
StefanMuelller L-Gebärde ist bei #ExtinctionRebellion das Zeichen für zu viel Fachsprache. Sollte ich im Grundkurs auch machen. Vielleicht nicht nur da.
RichNeville Found something new to say when I leave a room.
BuckRivera Milliardenidee: Laubbläserroboter
ojahnn In konfliktarmen Phasen des Lebens hypothetische Disse planen, z.B. "Mein Respekt für dich hat gerade einen Integer Overflow erlitten"
erzaehlmirnix Schrödingers Wissenschaftler: Gleichzeitig nicht kompetent genug, um auf sie zu hören und so kompetent, dass sie sicher bald irgendwas ganz grandioses erfinden, das die Welt rettet.
perseveresther *not* going for drinks with the person who's talking to the person I've been instead of the person I've been being
FrauFrohmann Sagen wir es doch mal, wie es ist: Greta Thunberg, 16, ist für mich, 50, ein Vorbild. Ein Vorbild in Sachen Informiertheit, Sachlichkeit, Engagement, Durchsetzungskraft, Weinen, wenn es zum Weinen ist.
ChanceyFleet Blind girl confession: I used to think 💯 (described by Voiceover as "hundred points symbol") was a hundred little points of light, like a constellation. I know the truth now and tbh it’s disappointing
vagina_museum We LOVE our new look, thank you so much, Passport!…
sagen ich machs mit nem skript aber heimlich von hand machen
BuckRivera Wer ist Fler und wie kann man einen Namen ohne eine betonte Silbe haben?
perseveresther I take great care curating my social media profiles and output bc it lets me go back and check who I am at any time if necessary
by William Shakespeare
Act I, Scene I
The Palace.
Enter a messenger.
QUEEN: What news from the court, valiant squire?
MESSENGER: Thou wouldst not fuckin' believe it, Liz.
ojahnn I don't have a #FavoritePronounFact right now, but my #FavoritePronounAnecdote is how I spent a few days with friends this summer and observed how SUPER easy it was to avoid gendered pronouns completely for one of these pals, like literally, everyone sounded completely normal
dami_lee Untitled Goose Game didn't have an adaptive soundtrack until the reactions to the first trailer convinced the studio to make one! I had a nice chat with composer @dangolding, who explained the fascinating process of adapting Debussy's Preludes for the game…
AnandWrites Another day, another Paleolithic Biden moment.
A young woman is asking him a serious, critical question.
He grabs her hands. Why?
As she persists, he pats them patronizingly and says “Thank you for admiring me so much.”
This is a man from another time.
c_borstell #FavoritePronounFact
3. In my L1🇸🇪, a constructed gender-neutral 3sg pronoun "hen" entered widespread use during my lifetime
2. Comitative cxs can trigger sg or pl pronouns
1. Several #signlanguages have pronouns reflecting differential object marking……
shakeitoffbot And the mirrors gonna mirr, mirr, mirr, mirr, mirr
StefanMuelller Hundreds of Australian scientists declare their support of @ExtinctionR. I will go to an @XRBerlin meeting tonight to get more information about this part of the movement.… #ExtinctionRebellion