jae_strandberg My mum decided that all her children should have “international” first names that would not be confusing in English.
Turns out, my name was REALLY confusing for people in my native Finland. twitter.com/mlazarusdean/s…
kochkunstRecook Zucker in die meisten norwegischen Pferde.
nataliesurely one weird thing about defensive assertions that bloodthirsty cops are just “a few bad apples” is that the rest of that idiom is “spoil the barrel”
Problem of rOyAl wE in single-author papers solved: it refers to the author and their text editor. twitter.com/ojahnn/status/…
Chaosfux was auch sonst twitter.com/skynews/status…
SoVeryBritish 2021:
“Fancy coming round?”
“I’m social distancing!”
“But we cured the virus?”
“I said what I said”
AnandWrites I know we have been at, and been through, dark moments before. But this feels like a transform-or-die moment. We are already not who many of us think we are. It’s hard to see us coming back to anything worth being if we don’t make a bold new start, top to bottom, soon.
AnandWrites With cities burning, police murdering, billionaires looting, one in four jobless, 100,000 dead, journalists being arrested, and a president calling for the shuttering of media, the curbing of voting, and violence against citizens, it is clear: America, to endure, must be remade.

cleverrgirrl just let this image soak in pic.twitter.com/eI0KUdRVyX
WWRob Hey @OpenAI folk. I spent many hours working with you on GPT-2 to make sure you were #benderrule compliant and talked about language representation appropriately.
You seem to have forgotten everything I taught you.
Also, the internet is not "a natural distribution of languages" twitter.com/nlp4d/status/1…
GabrielBerlin Warum heißt es Achter und nicht Radebeul
Axel_Bojanowski Vermisst jemand einen Ultraschallströmungsmesser für >100000$? Wurde am Strand gefunden, Besitzer nicht zu ermitteln: twitter.com/moninya/status…
rechte Hetze vs. linke Ätze
brunch, linner, snackfest
"Regulations (…) require companies to get explicit consent for tracking, which poses an existential threat to many companies in the online tracking and advertising industry. In response, they appear to be turning to the wholesale use of dark patterns." queue.acm.org/detail.cfm?id=…

random_walker We need regulation of tech companies, but regulation won't be enough without cultural change in the industry. Some of the sacred cows of tech are antithetical to societal values. You can't regulate away a mindset. queue.acm.org/detail.cfm?id=… pic.twitter.com/YYUApAE5xh
peterbreuer Suche seit 25 Minuten im Netz nach einem tomatenförmigen Kurzzeitmesser und mache nun fünf Minuten Pause.
amandamull Riots are, at their core, a choice made by those in power, not people who participate in them. If you build a society that exhausts and abuses people and privilege capital over human life, I’m not sure which other imaginary “civil” options you expect people to exercise

frachtschaden Immer noch einer der schönsten Wissenschaftscomics. (Image credit im Bild.) pic.twitter.com/p5cvSfUg8b
Schplock Zum Blutabnehmen in der Arztpraxis gewesen. Die Frau im Labor war der erste Mensch, der mich seit dem 12. März berührt hat.