mmbollmann Mine literally was "sudo rm -rf . /*"…
aclmeeting We aim to build a virtual #acl2020nlp program that is accessible to everyone, including our colleagues with disabilities. Here is a blog post from our Diversity & Inclusion committee with recommendations for presenters to make their talks more accessible:…
zacharywefel It's becoming more and more clear that Minneapolis is and has been dealing not just with protests over the injustice of George Floyd's murder and violent actors taking advantage of the situation, but a rebellious police force.
perseveresther war heute in der naherholung bisschen warm da sonst aber ok
nhannahjones The amount of coverage of looting on cable news right now — even as hosts say it is *not* representative of *most* of what is happening during the protests — is highly problematic. YOU are changing the narrative from police violence to property damage, not the looters.
GabrielBerlin wie findet ihr Almanbrotaufstrich Abistreich

vagina_museum Sadie Lee, Raging Bull (1994) #JustGalsBeingPals
perseveresther hab versucht über diese buntes Glas Technik zu sprechen und hab sie erst Macramé genannt, dann Taizé und dann Terschelling, ich höre gerade der richtige Begriff ist "Tiffany"
DLCdraws Weebs: "I'm tired of how political american twitter is, I wish I lived in japan where everyone keeps to themselves."
Japan, right now:…

AdequateEmily We’ve found it. The whitest way to react to racism.

friiyo Sehr langes und interessantes Gespräch zur Berliner Gewaltschutzambulanz. Solche Einrichtungen sollte es überall geben.…
derwahremawa Er arbeitet als Bedeutungsträger in einem Metaphernkomplex

1911_1913_BakUp Whites forming a barrier between black protestors and police.
themaxburns This is the visual that will define the entire failed Trumpian experiment.
When his country needed a leader, Donald Trump turned off the lights and hid under the bed.…

wes_chu Wow. The crib sheet from the Hong Kong protesters is next level. Learn from some pros!
GabrielBerlin Warum heißt es Traum und nicht Memoryschaum
derwahremawa I believe I can fly
Ich vermute, dass ich Insekten eindos
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