EnglishGibson Here are some more English words whose underlying meaning may be opaque to English-speakers while their German equivalents are fully transparent to German-speakers:
pneumonia = Lungenentzündung
television = Fernsehen
cornea = Hornhaut
conjunctiva = Bindehaut
DrNadiaChaudhri Today is #WorldOvarianCancerDay. I am sharing my story to raise awareness about this disease. I do it with a grimace. This wasn’t supposed to be my story.
pietersender Whenever this absolutely perfect piece of spine design appears I have to retweet it. pic.twitter.com/HhwZfY4AN6
peterbreuer Wenn man sich mit dem U-Boot verfährt. pic.twitter.com/9TYDTDEKLD
heikobrendel Das @MPIWG in Berlin zeigt Sinn für Ironie:
Es sucht "eine:n Research Data Manager (m/w/d) zur langfristigen Nachnutzung von Forschungsdaten" - die Stelle ist befristet bis zum 31.12.2022.
@NGA_Wiss #ACertainDegreeOfFlexibility #FrististFrust
ArneKoehn Good thread, but: Good (publicly communicated) procedures are needed *especially* for the rare-but-severe cases. Otherwise we fail when it matters.
I was on a scientific misconduct committee for 5y. No work for 3y, then a career-ending case. Lack of clear procedures bit us hard. twitter.com/nlpmattg/statu…
tlakomy Birthday picker starting at $CURRENT_YEAR are the boldest move ever
Literally assuming that your userbase was born yesterday
BruhnBoris Immer wenn im Mai eine Klassenarbeit in einem deutschen Klassenzimmer in Präsenz geschrieben wird, stirbt irgendwo auf der Welt ein Kahoot. #twlz
nlpmattg A couple of years ago C was publicly accused of professional and personal misconduct in a twitter thread that went viral in the NLP community. The professional accusations were shown to be false, but the reputational harm unfortunately persists. A reluctant but necessary thread. twitter.com/yoavgo/status/…