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@frachtschaden @ojahnn Schöne /ɔɪf/-Häufung
frachtschaden "ein Glas Wein" (unverdächtig)
"ein Gläschen Wein" (SÄUFER-EUPHEMISMUS)
_roryturnbull @texttheater @ecpankratz @tschfflr @tmalsburg For English pronouns, though, there's actually five:
he / him / his / his / himself
she / her / her / hers / herself
I / me / my / mine / myself
and so on.
The reflexive one is useful as some "they" users prefer "themselves" and others "themself"
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@ecpankratz @tschfflr @tmalsburg When listing e.g., Latin nouns, there's a convention to give the nominative and genitive singular, which suffices to tell the declension. This seems similar.
SimonKirby @ecpankratz I’d love to know this too. My guess is that it’s something to do with the use/mention distinction and ease of processing? Putting them both makes it clear you’re conveying different information than you would if you simply were using a single pronoun in a sentence.
ecpankratz Where did the convention of writing both nom and acc pronouns (e.g., "she/her", "they/them") come from? The nominative form alone already has all the information you need. Does anyone know/can anyone recommend reading?
fraying Third: You cannot outsource management to the community unless you're ALSO demonstrating and documenting how it's supposed to be done, and actively moderating the moderations. Slashdot did this 20 years ago. I wrote about it. The knowledge is out there.
fraying Second, ANY community feedback mechanism can become a tool of harassment. Anyone with any experience knows this. That's not to say "don't do it," it's to say: "so you have to think about how it will be abused in advance and counter it."
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