The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @texttheater ever

July 3rd, 2022

Leichenschmaus in der Disco

via Twitter for Android

MikeHudema Paris is working to become a '15-minute city' where everything you need is located locally within 15 mins. Every street will have a bike lane, 60,000 parking spots are being removed & replaced with parks. They aren't alone.

We have the solutions implement them.

via Buffer (retweeted on 5:32 PM, Jul 3rd, 2022 via Twitter for Android)

nadjakapunkt Die Zukunft des Autos, eine der denkbarsten Zukünfte des Autos

(BB: Autos stecken in einem Betonklotz wie Marillen im Kuchenteig)

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 4:18 PM, Jul 3rd, 2022 via Twitter for Android)

Grumpfdalm Für viele Theolog*innen stellt sich nach dem Studium ja das Dilemma: Publish or parish?

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 3:45 PM, Jul 3rd, 2022 via Twitter for Android)

DailyMann „‚Was soll der Unsinn‘.“ (3. 7. 1933)

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 2:03 PM, Jul 3rd, 2022 via Twitter for Android)

derwahremawa Wohnen, wie andere Urlaub machen

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 11:34 AM, Jul 3rd, 2022 via Twitter for Android)

jlynn43xo Why are there pop tarts but no mom tarts

Because of the pastryarchy

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 11:19 AM, Jul 3rd, 2022 via Twitter for Android)

_noujoum Lieb's wie Duolingo unauffällig Commie-Propaganda unter die Lektionen mischt 🥰☺️

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 9:55 AM, Jul 3rd, 2022 via Twitter for Android)

_noujoum Duolingo stellt weiterhin die relevanten Fragen zum Wohnungsmarkt.

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 9:55 AM, Jul 3rd, 2022 via Twitter for Android)

derwahremawa Auf Twitter dot com hängen wirklich haufenweise hornbebrillte Fortysomethings rum, die ideengeschichtlich in Westdeutschland kurz vor ihrer eigenen Geburt stehengeblieben sind, ich schwöre es

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 8:38 AM, Jul 3rd, 2022 via Twitter for Android)

nex3 if you think about it every social network federates with every other one, the communication protocol just involves taking screenshots

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 8:37 AM, Jul 3rd, 2022 via Twitter for Android)

CodeDoesMeme please tell me I'm not the only twat who's ended up on this page (source: )

via LorenzNickel (retweeted on 2:00 AM, Jul 3rd, 2022 via Twitter for Android)

AndrewM_Webb A rock paper scissors automaton: green with at least 3 blue neighbours becomes blue, likewise blue becomes red, red becomes green. Initialized randomly. The edges wrap around at the top/bottom and left/right. 1/

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 12:44 AM, Jul 3rd, 2022 via Twitter for Android)

matthen2 give each pixel a random Pokemon type, and then battle pixels against their neighbors, updating each pixel with the winning type (using the Pokemon type chart)

we quickly see areas of fire > water > grass > fire, electric sweeping over, ground frontiers taking over etc etc

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 12:43 AM, Jul 3rd, 2022 via Twitter for Android)