tutubuslatinus These covers… 🗡⚓️ pic.twitter.com/IWjTFEcBeE
cassolotl So far so good on this informal pronouns survey for anyone of any gender - about 1,500 responses. :)
It could do with more men (especially cis men) participating, and more cis women too, so RTs welcome! It closes on Tuesday.
iXmagazin QUIC und HTTP/3: Immer mehr Zensur auf Protokollebene heise.de/news/QUIC-und-… #Zensur #Internet
MelnykAndrij Echte Leberwurst-Freundschaft🤝
#LeberWurst connecting people 💪
Bewegender Bericht von Daniel Streib für Badische Neueste Nachrichten👇🏻
bnn.de/nachrichten/po… pic.twitter.com/CnwJszVfym
dana_mahr1 Sehr lesenswerte Analyse. So langsam kommt einiges ans Licht.
Wie ein rechtsradikales Netzwerk Feministinnen für den Faschismus rekrutiert - Volksverpetzer volksverpetzer.de/lgbtqi/extreme…
umrath Schlaganfall erkennen - unterhaltsam und einprägsam aufbereitet.
Anschauen, merken, teilen!
RetractionWatch "A neuroscience image sleuth finds signs of fabrication in scores of Alzheimer’s articles, threatening a reigning theory of the disease."
science.org/content/articl… pic.twitter.com/OFN3SBx9cF
MisterABK This video is over a year old. People still are still commenting over on YouTube to tell me that British people don't sound like this and I don't know the first thing about England.
Every day. twitter.com/MisterABK/stat…
GabrielBerlin Gute, aber verstörende Sätze pic.twitter.com/gsASL3n8bP
spinfocl Diese mitschwingende Erzählung, man könne mit tollen Basisschutzmaßnahmen irgendwie #covid19-Wellen aufhalten, geht mir tierisch auf den Geist, weil mit NULL Evidenz permanent Leute aufgehetzt werden.
hllizi What the doofus hasn't realised yet, though, is that, once democracy and the rule of law are gone, all it takes to rid you of your lovely capital is an autocrat's whim. twitter.com/mattyglesias/s…
nntaleb Incorrect: Unlike with Zantac, we have billions of jabs, with monitoring; and carcinogenic/DNA effects are necessarily cumulative, hence should have manifested themselves already.
[Hiroshima produced early cancers]
youtube.com/watch?v=gAlHjW… twitter.com/ThisNameTaken3…
hansulrich @m_kubiciel Es ist allerdings manchmal bemerkenswert, dass die Furcht vor Strafe bei Erwachsenen als legitime Mittel angesehen wird um ein gesellschaftlich gewünschtes Verhalten zu bewirken, bei Kindern dies im breiten wissenschaftlichen Konsens jedoch abgelehnt wird.
fchollet Q: What is Amazon doing about it?
A: Nothing. We've notified them multiple times, nothing happened. The fraudulent sellers have been in activity for years.
fchollet Q: How do I know if I'm about to buy a counterfeit copy?
A: Look for the name of the seller. If it's a 3rd party seller (i.e. not Amazon's own inventory) and it isn't a well-known bookstore, then it's a scammer. (cont.)
fchollet (cont.) This has given rise to a cottage industry of fraudsters who "clone" books (which is easy when the PDF is readily available: you just need to contract a printer) and then claim to be selling real copies.
This is endemic for all popular textbooks on Amazon.
bomelino - hallo is da das ordnungsamt
- ja
- darf ich mit 1 badeente in den neckar?
- ja natürlich
- ok und wenn ich mit n badeenten in den neckar darf, darf ich dann auch mit n + 1 badeenten in den neckar
- hä
- ja oder nein
- pff von mir aus
- ok danke pic.twitter.com/DbtpTxt0co
field_matters Abaza is also known for its complex phonological system. It has more than 60 consonants and only 2 vowels. Consonant clusters are common in Abaza. Abazins, speaking about the complexity of their language, like to bring up the word qḳχbq̇ʷəlḳ ‘three tubs of sour cream’
neutsch_org katzbuckeln – ialck k'butz – iälcke k'bütz – k'batzgeulcken neutsch.org/Starke_Verben/K
SPIEGELCaptions Handy-Tuner bei Jamba: Die Würde hat er sich selbst genommen
wwwtxt Maybe the Net will be the place to eventually start a cyber-MTV with digital video and a massive “video-server”? ↯93AUG
leftpaddotpy @NireBryce i have a second camera going to a folder with a .nomedia file because Google's implementation of the private pictures folder is bad and doesn't have any way to get things out (e.g. a share button) except effectively uploading them to Google photos
NireBryce filing pictures after the fact is such a huge hassle that I'd rather carry 4 redundant apps