peterbreuer In Görlitz hat ein Mann acht Würgeschlangen im Treppenhaus ausgesetzt. So viele hätte ich gar nicht.
Marie_ClySar My toddler’s daycare apparently uses the “clean up” song. My husband and I discovered this yesterday when we started singing it and it activated our kid like she was a sleeper agent and she immediately started putting her toys away.
DaLoewenstein They‘re a 10, but they use the binary numeral system.

AreaAbandone6 Thomas the Tank Engine: The crystal meth years.
TNeenan I'm an edgy comedian, I exist on the edge. But when I fall off that edge I want to be put back on it immediately. I want to be protected from the edge I myself boast about existing on. Its not complicated
DoctorPissPants I think gay guys should be allowed to play lesbians in movies and vice versa, like Jews and Italians
L3viathan2142 Before 1940–05–16 (German occupation), The Netherlands had a UTC offset of +00:20.
Since 1937–07–01. Before that, the offset was actually +00:19:32.13. Pray to Chronos that you never have to deal with this in your code.
derwahremawa Ich finde es extrem fragwürdig, »Noch-nie«-Schlagzeilen anhand einer Datenreihe zu machen, die nur bis 2006 zurückreicht
thomasfricke Don't use AI for security critical systems.
AI is trained by a lot of data.
Dangerous situations are edge cases.
They are unique missing in the data sets.…

parasociality A hierarchy of alienness: Pictures of animals from least to most related to you.
Least-related animal: Sponges. You and sponges are both animals. That's basically all you've got in common.
JohnDiesattheEn Another current media trend I'd have never predicted: Lots of people watching with the captions on because sound mixing is so shitty that you can't tell what people are saying, and instead of studios adjusting the audio, audiences gave up and started reading their shows instead.

Sheeds1984 I’m not saying this clock the wife got from Kmart is shit, but the alarm didn’t go off this morning and the time is now 9:77
L3GSV Must be a very worrying time for anyone who has dumped a body in a reservoir.
neutsch_org ausufern – orf aus – örfe aus – ausgeorfen
Im Niederländischen werden zu-Infinitive mit Partikeln übrigens wirklich so geschrieben <aan te passen>
Gerade eine Mail erhalten, in der konsequent alle Verbpartikeln getrennt geschrieben sind (<auf gefallen>, <zusammen setzen>, <an zu passen>). Innovativ.
kyleaftrmth when i was little i thought that martha’s vineyard was martha stewart’s vineyard
neutsch_org bevorstehen – beand vorst – beünde vorst – vorstbeanden
iceomorphism 10! seconds is exactly 6 weeks