Herren, schultert Asche!
Sex, das portugiesische Kurzwort für Freitag (was dachtet ihr denn?)
#WissZeitVG halb abgeschafft 🤝
mayhewsw when everyone in NLP is having an existential crisis because of GPT-4, but you lived through ELMo/BERT in 2019: pic.twitter.com/nOAKmqjFKE
matt_meeta man muss immer von den ausreißern und extremfällen her denken
matt_meeta wenn auf jeden einzelfall eine gesetzesänderung folgt haben wir irgendwann alles abgedeckt
matt_meeta ja ich finde es gut aus spektakulären einzelfällen weitreichende forderungen abzuleiten so kommen wir weiter
J.G. Ballard's "High-Rise", but it's the Twitter headquarters after Musk arrives twitter.com/Austen/status/…
Austen Ok the engineers have officially seized control of the Twitter UI design pic.twitter.com/xxV6163Fcp
MisterABK I'm the guy in charge of hiring at remote research outposts in space. We're looking for an elderly scientist with a beautiful daughter and a male lab assistant who's kind of sketchy. 3 people should be enough for a 10 year mission, but we will throw in a comedy robot.
@shortstein Reviewer here, false.
dickebuerste53 Dieses performative Icon-in-einen-Ordner-ziehen, um bei Apple was zu installieren, ist so camp pic.twitter.com/uVy09SXA59
highfrontvowel In my bimonthly “I wanna shave off my beard entirely” phase but I have to push through if I don’t wanna look underage for a week
Is there a registry of registries? fedihum.org/@stefan_hessbr…
TIL about fancy frz. Küchensprache: confit de canard avec ~ses~ pommes de terre
complingy @annargrs I have heard that they are trying to solve the problem of LREC and COLING both occurring on even-numbered years (it would be better to have them on alternate years). I wonder if colocating makes it easier for one of them to also happen the following year.
ClemensBruno Jeden Morgen:
Wie warm soll ich mich anziehen?
Wetter im März 23:
Heute schneit die Sonne.
“hate-emailing each other machine generated PowerPoint presentations at a high volume” scholar.social/@davidschlange…
If $THING makes you feel old, maybe you're just projecting too much