Och, jetzt ganz viel Alkohol …
bier leer?
flimp's dir!
the food blimp

Pandamoanimum Pedro Pascal as mushrooms.
A thread. pic.twitter.com/MawBYWvus9
lxgonetocanada The fieldwork group at Yale is creating a set of videos about what linguists do, aimed at language communities who might want to work with linguists on language documentation projects. Please share with anyone who might want this information! youtu.be/WNPOhnslfVw
wataruu In my Intro Semantics course this semester, I used a non-European language or an underrepresented variety of European langs in at least one exercise problem each week. I am sharing the exercise files here: drive.google.com/drive/folders/…
astent @SebastinSanty has made an amazing stats dashboard for @ReviewAcl . You can check it out now at stats.aclrollingreview.org. I especially love the seasonal pictures! If you have ideas for additional stats, please email tech@aclrollingreview.org.
ScHuehnerkrisp @kathrinpassig Twittervertonungen und anderweitiger Audiokram
LukeGessler #NLProc and #linguistics Twitter: do you have trouble keeping track of all the linguistic annotation apps that are out there? So do I and my colleagues, which is why I made the Map of Applications for Linguistic Annotation (MALA): lgessler.com/mala/

StacyTShaw Need help pronouncing Chinese student names in your class? The amazing @xiwen_lu has created a tool where you can look up any name and hear the most common pronunciation!
oluxiwen.github.io/pronouncing-ch… pic.twitter.com/QZw0jPIm2z

PaulWhitewick A few years back I found one of these islands on a map. In dimple terms you are allowed in the Orange area because its Open Access.
But. Legally you can't get there. 🧵 pic.twitter.com/OJN82cEGRU
pderevere a (white) celeb court watching in pg county (one of the blackest parts of the US) making sure folks getting arrested for nonsense like simple possession or loitering get a fair shot at beating their rap is some of the most high profile anti-racist praxis i’ve seen recently twitter.com/ScottHech/stat…
sexworkpol Rest in Power, @carol_leigh!
Die amerikanische Aktivistin, die in den späten 1970er Jahren den Begriff der "Sexarbeit" nutzte, ist an Krebs verstorben. Sie hat die Sexworker-Bewegung weltweit geprägt. vimeo.com/487732762
DrLynziA I have just learned that the absolute incredible pioneer of sex worker’s rights Carol Leigh (aka the Scarlot Harlot has died 😢She is the reason we use the language of sex work. Every year I show students her 1991 doc to teach about the history. RIP ☂️💔 archive.org/details/Outlaw…
complingy So much great stuff in this talk. @EllenRiloff points out that rules haven't disappeared from #NLProc. Whether we describe them as rules or not, they continue to be important—and encourage us to think carefully about the language phenomena we're modeling, and how we use data! twitter.com/msurd/status/1…
random_walker Quanta Magazine did a piece about my work! See below for link to article. I like the video overall, but at one point I sound like I’m shilling for Apple and dissing regulation 😲That’s not what happened! Awkward phrasing by me + context lost in editing. 🧵
»Die Ästhetik habe ich mit den Löffelstielen aufgesogen.«
Besuch erzeugt Gegenbesuch, hat man dir das nicht erklärt?
derwahremawa cellphone selfown
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