EnglishGibson Apparently there is a reason why strikes are so often called ‘Warnstreiks’. It’s to distinguish them from ‘Erzwingungsstreiks’.
(Not that you ever hear about Erzwingungsstreiks, mind you.)
patricknathan "As much as gay men have faced the brunt of homophobic violence, straight men have been banished to a desert of physical isolation by these same homophobic fanatics who police lesbians and gays in our society." newnownext.com/male-touch-hom… @NewNowNext
VeredShwartz I've written a python script that automates generating bib files by searching for bib entries in several sources:
It passes sanity checks, but I take no responsibility for anyone's bib files.
henscheck *konservativer Politiker voice* "Es darf nicht sein, dass Passanten in die Wände von Gebäuden hineinclippen und außer Sichtweite geratene Fahrzeuge plötzlich Farbe und Modell ändern."
@ojahnn I think it depends on what kind of conference it is. One might submit a new paper including the results to another, more competitive venue. In which case they should be previously unpublished.
JediofGallifrey Wondering if the mental health crisis has anything to do with keeping most of the population in a constant state of material desperation to ensure they'll sell their labor to oligarchs for a bare fraction of what it's worth in order to stay alive.