meikelobo Der Sex wurde so viel besser, meine Libido so viel stärker, dass ich das Absetzen der Pille jeder Frau, für die sich Sex dauerhaft und unabhängig vom Partner nur so geht so anfühlt, dringend empfehlen würde.
Das Diskurspartikelcluster <3…

vmedick Schwierig, das mit der Erneuerung der SPD... #spdbpt2018
Ach du liebe Güte, der arme Max Goldt. Der Interviewer tritt mit fast jeder Frage ins Fettnäpfchen.…
asayeed @texttheater LOL "Schloss, Festung, Palast, Burg..."
dear english language fuck u haven harbor harbour port which is it

PaulMcCartney Happy #EarthDay! There is a simple but significant way to help protect the planet and all its inhabitants and it starts with just #OneDayAWeek! One day without eating animal products can have a huge impact in helping maintain the delicate balance that sustains us all.
texttheater I love using vim, but boy does it ever sprinkle your files with extra i's.
Muermel Ich will ja nicht sagen, dass es gestern spät geworden ist, aber das Smartphone erkennt mein Gesicht nicht mehr.
"Derartige Studentenverbindungen gibt es heute an Hochschulorten in Deutschland, Österreich, der Schweiz und Chile." okay.jpg…
kykel Ich höre eine "The Power of Epic Music"-Playlist, um meine Wohnung etwas energischer aufzuräumen. Sprechen wir nicht über den Erfolg.
ojahnn from time to time I experience the same thing in spoken language, basically whenever I'm talking to my mom @phototio
ojahnn written communication: where you can have a conversation about video games at the same time as a conversation about professional translation, with the same person, as each of you replies to the other's points on one topic while they reply to yours about the other topic
goodfellow_ian A common theme in ML research the past few years: when we move past supervised learning for labeling the test set, evaluation is one of the hardest parts of the research. Comes up in generative models, security, RL, interpretability, FAT, etc…
"The term “engineering” is often invoked in a narrow sense — in academia and beyond — with overtones of cold, affectless machinery, and negative connotations of loss of control by humans. But an engineering discipline can be what we want it to be."
attention from major open problems in classical AI. These problems include the need to bring meaning and reasoning into systems that perform natural language processing" Hear, hear! #nlproc #semantics
"the current focus on doing AI research via the gathering of data, the deployment of “deep learning” infrastructure, and the demonstration of systems that mimic certain narrowly-defined human skills — with little in the way of emerging explanatory principles — tends to deflect
"We need to solve [intelligence augmentation] and [intelligent infrastructure] problems on their own merits, not as a mere corollary to an human-imitative AI agenda."
louminosaredoma Ich mag, dass aus dem wilhelminischen "Schlagkraft" das onomatopoetische "Wumms" geworden ist. Jetzt darf das Wort sogar in Unterüberschriften! (Plus: Guter Text)…
Why imitating human intelligence is of limited use: "we did not evolve to perform the kinds of large-scale decision-making that modern (...) systems must face, nor to cope with the kinds of uncertainty that arise in [these] contexts"
“just as humans built buildings and bridges before there was civil engineering, humans are proceeding with the building of societal-scale, inference-and-decision-making systems that involve machines, humans and the environment” — Michael Jordan…
trished The Daddy of all papers on citation #bias Greenberg SA. How citation distortions create unfounded authority: analysis BMJ 2009; 339 :b2680… @bmj_latest…

laynemcnish Oh no, I finally broke my @github contribution streak.
"Das labbrige Mittelding, die immer gleiche Strecke im immer gleichen Tempo zu laufen, kann man sich auch sparen."… via @zeitonline
emilymbender There's some interesting cross-sentential variable binding going on in this tweet. #linguistsgonnaling…
meltomene I wish my lab instructions were this clear…