A few days later, a New Yorker fact checker called Radcliffe to verify the above account. “Very meta,” he said. newyorker.com/magazine/2018/…
StefanMuelller New rule for kids and computer games: Kids are allowed to play those games they programmed themselves. For now this is a version of ping pong. =:-)
JayCogi me, with a world-weary sigh, staring at my rucksack of groceries: There's A Lot To Unpack Here
martijnwieling In a large study (ACL papers of 2011 & 2016), we investigated how willing researchers in #NLProc were to share their data and code. We're not there yet, with < 60% code sharing. See our published paper in Computational Linguistics: mitpressjournals.org/doi/pdf/10.116… #reproducibility
labenzticker obervernagt (Adj.): Haupteigenschaft einer hochgradig erkenntnisresistenten Person. labenz.texttheater.net/obervernagt
mattczap why should your friends having babies get all the attention? pic.twitter.com/XUt2hM7PiC
qikipedia The Russian Olympic team were twelve days late to the 1908 London Olympic Games as they had not accounted for the difference in dates between the Julian and Gregorian calendars.
@EnglishGibson Beispiel? :D
EnglishGibson Der Trick ist ja nicht, zu wissen, dass der Akkusativ mit einer *Bewegung irgendwohin* einhergeht und der Dativ nicht. Der Trick ist es, nachempfinden zu können, ob etwas aus deutscher Sicht eine Bewegung ist oder nicht.