Jan Georg Schütte – als ob Christoph Maria Herbst und Ulrich Matthes einen Transporterunfall gehabt hätten
MerriamWebster Ever wonder which words first appeared in print the year you were born?
Come time travel with us.
gneubig I'm a candidate for the NAACL board, with proposals on streamlining reviewing and making it easier to follow/participate in conferences remotely. Other candidates have great ideas too, so please read and vote!
(I also welcome feedback on my proposals 😊) twitter.com/naacl/status/1…
wellformedness this is so good.
microth Job ads for the first two positions in my recently funded research group are now online! Please feel to distribute to talented MSc/PhD students: coli.uni-saarland.de/~mroth/jobs.txt (thanks x1000!)
"Laura is not coming, she has a professor thing."
ojahnn The vbox was underfull so I decided to add a paragraph to the discussion section so I made something up but somehow it ended up being super interesting
JoFrhwld Writing is hard pic.twitter.com/POwOOvkeNA
TIL wiki.ubuntu.com/ClipboardPersi…
Lack of clipboard persistence had been driving me crazy; thought it was a Vim issue.
texttheater @oaostrik @eveningoflight @exabysso I received the first two issues yesterday. Enormously enjoying the beautiful design and your always fascinating writing. Keep up the good work, lots of love!
oaostrik @eveningoflight I'm also really happy to have worked with my wife on the new issue of @exabysso. She's infused it with a very valuable mental health / hearing voices perspective.
This zine is 100% queer and/or trans-made, which I'm super proud of.
@oaostrik @eveningoflight @exabysso I received the first two issues yesterday. Enormously enjoying the beautiful design and your always fascinating writing. Keep up the good work, lots of love!
HansZauner "The rate of null findings in the current scientific literature is drastically at odds with what we would expect without any publication bias".
drguidoknapp 1875: Der frz. Erfinder M. Huret lässt sich seine "Cynophère" patentieren. Der "Motor" sind zwei Hunde, die das Gefährt in seitlich angebrachten Laufrädern in Schwung bringen.
Quelle: bit.ly/2PkTfut pic.twitter.com/Ab1LQN9ZSl
mueslikind Dabei sind sie selber und ihresgleichen die größte Gefahr für ihre weiblichen Angehörigen.
mueslikind AFD-Plakat: "Sicherheit für unsere Frauen und Töchter". Da wird deutlich, wen die AFD repräsentiert: Weiße Männer, die ihre Frauen und Töchter als Besitz betrachten und Gefahren herbeiphantasieren, weil sie Angst haben, die Kontrolle über sie zu verlieren.