@ojahnn @kathrinpassig Eselsgrube?
kathrinpassig @ojahnn Eselsmorandibrücke, für mich alle Versuche, mir irgendwas durch "es ist genau umgekehrt, wie man denkt" zu merken, denn sobald ich es richtig mache, fange ich dann an, es umgekehrt und damit falsch zu machen.
“How ironic that a simple scholar, with no ambition beyond a modest measure of seclusion, should out of the clear sky find himself besieged by an army of fellow creatures, all grimly determined to be of service.” Den Spruch muss ich mir merken. greatshowdowns.com/post/191837112…
@EnglishGibson There's also Katzenhirn in Unterallgäu and Catbrain in South Gloucestershire.
Selbst aus dem Grab werden @zeitonline-Leser*innen jetzt noch angepafft #GeistigesPassivrauchen twitter.com/zeitonline/sta…
rhythmvs Church-Slavonic Cyrillic has some strangely looking letters for sure. серафими многоꙮчитї (many-eyed seraphim); ꙩко, ꙭчи, ꙫчи (eye) pic.twitter.com/0BXRAwZlMx
redlightvoices this thread lays down the principle of "both sides" in journalism but there is something that bothers me in the explanation: the assumption that there were "normal" times when this practice was desirable. twitter.com/adamdavidson/s…
ojahnn The proof of concept was written in Python, then the final one was written in Go (just to have a chance to get used to Go apparently). Some integer overflows in the color codes gave us some weeeeiiird color progressions.