@vagina_museum Awesome! Is there a reason you gave the title in Dutch? :D
GretchenAMcC My latest Wired column:
Both kids and adults like faces, but kids don't use faces that convey a note of irony, such as tears of joy 😂, loudly sobbing 😭, or thinking face 🤔. Instead, kids prefer faces with the tongue stuck out 😛 or blowing a kiss 😗.
texttheater Herpfklotzen
"Katharsis. Abspann." twitter.com/zeitonline/sta…
random_walker Smart contracts are really cool, but they're neither smart nor contracts. freedom-to-tinker.com/2017/02/20/sma…
The fact that they are being proposed as replacements for legal contracts with a straight face is emblematic of the category errors that are rampant in the blockchain space.
random_walker Another area where blockchain projects have faltered is in how they govern themselves. Decentralized doesn’t mean structureless — structureless groups don’t exist. jofreeman.com/joreen/tyranny…
You can reject governments but you can’t opt out of governance.
random_walker Openness and decentralization matter to _developers_. To succeed, decentralized platforms must attract developers and foster an ecosystem of services that build on each other and gradually improve in functionality and quality. That’s how the Internet beat Compuserve and AOL.
random_walker Open platforms can’t win by directly appealing to users on philosophical grounds, or even cost (see Linux on the desktop). Mainstream users have no good reason to directly interact with blockchain technology—or any piece of code—without intermediaries involved.
random_walker There’s a widespread belief in the blockchain world that centralization results from government regulation and/or monopolistic rent-seeking. The truth is more mundane: centralization emerges naturally in a free market due to economies of scale and other efficiencies.
tallinzen One of my favorite things about Twitter is how people started signaling that a tweet is the first one in a thread after it became unfashionable to just say "(thread)". Let me explain.