kathrinpassig @emilymbender @TweetDeck @Twitter With women, Tweetdeck frequently shows the breasts instead of the face – I have a collection of examples somewhere. But to give them the benefit of the doubt: it might be just a decision to show the middle third of images in portrait orientation.
That raw concrete wall would look better with a coat of paint. twitter.com/bellegenerico_…
skglas We all should write more programs in C and encourage our next generation to do so twitter.com/bellegenerico_…
andrewheiss There's a question on StackOverflow that describes how someone sorts all their variables in descending order, independently of each other, because it makes the models stronger, and I think about it almost every day.
zeitonline Monatelang hatte der #McJesus in Haifa unbemerkt im Museum gehangen. Jetzt debattiert Israel über künstlerische Freiheit. #Israel #Kunst bit.ly/2DzOZz7
emilymbender Hey @TweetDeck and @Twitter -- until you get a face recognition system that actually works for non-light-skinned people, how about defaulting to the top third of photos in the little preview? pic.twitter.com/nc4M1R9NsH
ojahnn cool how it represents the feelings one is likely to experience when looking at it! ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ twitter.com/VerbingNouns/s…
ojahnn Using Verb Subcategorization for Word Sense Disambiguation for Subcategorization Acquisition using Word Sense Disambiguation using Verb Subcategorization pic.twitter.com/MtISN8m5vh
FrauKrone Alle wollen saubere Luft, lebenswerte Städte und komfortable Mobilität. Aber das Auto-Land 🇩🇪 macht keinen Platz für Alternativen.
Jetzt reicht‘s! Der @FahrradClub startet seine große Mitmachkampagne #MehrPlatzFürsRad!
In Kürze mehr auf mehrplatzfuersrad.adfc.de pic.twitter.com/qM13ywhsMs
@gchrupala forest. I've never used tikz-qtree, but forest seems more actively maintained and also harnesses the power of TikZ.
creamspeak Mafiaboss: *dreht sich im Sessel zu mir*
„Ich habe ein Angebot dass du nicht ablehnen kannst“
Ich: „ist es 1Kilo putenbrust für 5,99€ bei Rewe?“
Mafiaboss: *legt panisch 1 Kilo putenbrust 6,99€ bei Penny Prospekt beiseite* „nein...?“
peterbreuer ...und übertüncht den Geruch der halbierten Zuschauer mit Fichtennadelspray. pic.twitter.com/kfHcsJEykm
I decree that when an appointment is made definite, it shall henceforth be said to be "inked in".
Selig sind die geistig Dahen
Unordentlicher Orden "Kurmeliten"