Subtle protest:
ojahnn When I chat to my boss about her long and successful academic career…
mozhacks Firefox 66 will block auto-playing non-muted video by default (a change currently in preview in Beta & Nightly, slated for landing in stable on March 19).
What you need to know:…
@AndreasJechow @tschfflr @skyglowberlin @salvabara @SchroerSibylle @_scs What did you expect them to say? :D
nilsreiter Klausuraufgaben in denen Student*innen Beispiele geben müssen machen die Korrektur deutlich unterhaltsamer. #semesterende
peterbreuer Nichts für schnelle Schnappschüsse aus der Hand – das neue Canon EF 12.000mm 1:4 L IS II USM Tele. Inkl. Stativschelle und Objektivdeckel.
asayeed Just saw "outcallen" as a German verb with "out" as separable particle. e.g., "outgecallt zu werden". I think it needs strengthening à la @texttheater "outcallen/cällst out/caule out/outgecallen".
texttheater @ojahnn from bidi.algorithm import get_display
def bidi_reverse(input_string):
"""Reverse input_string, abusing a layout algorithm for bidirectional text.
Left as an exercise: preserve control characters.
return get_display('\u200e' + input_string)
zeitonline Tirili, tirilo, tirila: Was vor 40 Jahren als bissige #Satire und subtiles Rockkabarett galt, firmiert heute als Hit-Sanatorium für Faschingsfeste. @SpitzerThomas von der #EAV hat die Schnauze voll.
@ojahnn from bidi.algorithm import get_display
def bidi_reverse(input_string):
"""Reverse input_string, abusing a layout algorithm for bidirectional text.
Left as an exercise: preserve control characters.
return get_display('\u200e' + input_string)
kweenys @texttheater @ojahnn Take a synchronous context-free grammar (V,Σ,R,S) where
V = {S}
Σ = {c | c is a Unicode codepoint}
R = {S -> ⟨c,c⟩, S -> ⟨c X₁, X₁ c⟩[X₁ / S] | c ∈ Σ}
The induced string transduction reverses the input.
texttheater @ojahnn Take a CFG (V, Σ, R, S) where
V = {S}
Σ = {c|c is a Unicode codepoint}
R = {S → c c, S → c S c | c ∈ Σ}
Use a left-corner parser to scan the input, then generate from the topmost prediction – the right half of the result is your output.
@ojahnn Take a CFG (V, Σ, R, S) where
V = {S}
Σ = {c|c is a Unicode codepoint}
R = {S → c c, S → c S c | c ∈ Σ}
Use a left-corner parser to scan the input, then generate from the topmost prediction – the right half of the result is your output.
ojahnn my spouse said I should do one that generates a pdf and you have to print it and cut out the letters and sort them yourself - I decided to make it easier by numbering each letter on the other side of the page
ginasue We called BS on AI.
Here's a thread of what we learned.
DeJongeAkademie Nu op onze reactie op #wetenschapsbrief. Pleidooi voor meer kansen voor meer wetenschappers (dus minder nadruk op #supersterren), goede koppeling onderzoek en onderwijs op universiteiten, en lagere #werkdruk…
danieldekok Last week we released version 0.3.0 of our finalfrontier @rustlang create for training word embeddings:… Changes include: update to ndarray 0.12, fix a bug in negative sampling for the structgram model, addition of the ff-accuracy evaluation utility.
zeitweise TIL was TIL heißt.
greg_p_kennedy @ojahnn Good idea... I ended up rendering each character individually, in the same sequence, but turning them around backwards first. Now it's correct!
This took 48 seconds on my old PC, but it's also in 1080p Full HD, which is not something most string reversal algorithms can boast.