The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @texttheater ever

February 7th, 2019

Grumpfdalm I miss Venomous Virility and Guyolence.…

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 7:54 PM, Feb 7th, 2019 via Twitter for Android)

zeitonline Klimaökonomen sind sich einig: Ein -Preis wäre gut für den . Ihn einzuführen ist politisch heikel. Aber andere Länder zeigen, wie es gehen könnte.…

via ZEITonline (retweeted on 7:42 PM, Feb 7th, 2019 via Twitter for Android)

saschalobo Wenn Ihr Euch fragt, wann die "Neuen Medien" endlich nicht mehr "neu" genannt werden, habe ich eine schlechte Nachricht für Euch. Amerika wird nach über 500 Jahren immer noch "Neue Welt" genannt.

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 7:28 PM, Feb 7th, 2019 via Twitter for Android)

Who called it Swift for TensorFlow and not Switf

via Twitter Web App

B.: I still need to get the data out of that Chomskyan paper.
@ojahnn (without missing a beat): There isn't any.

via Twitter Web App

gchrupala Just got a call from some scammers trying to convince me that they are handling my travel and accommodation arrangements in Florence for ACL. Probably found my name mentioned somewhere on the ACL website.

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 11:49 AM, Feb 7th, 2019 via Twitter Web App)

Grumpfdalm FAKT: Da der menschliche Körper zu 70% aus Wasser besteht, besteht Wasser zu 143% aus menschlichen Körpern.

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 11:32 AM, Feb 7th, 2019 via Twitter Web App)

buechereiwien "Ich suche 'Homo Faber' von Thomas Mann."
"Das ist von Max Frisch."

Der Unterricht heutzutage ist halt eher auf kritisches Hinterfragen als auf stures Faktenwissen ausgerichtet.

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 11:31 AM, Feb 7th, 2019 via Twitter Web App)

mdlhx @nlpado As a junior researcher and a woman, I could not disagree more. Anonymous discussion is less intimidating. I am sure I have a pretty good idea of who knows better than me by reading the reviews. And even if someone knows better than me, I might still spot something that they miss

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 10:41 AM, Feb 7th, 2019 via Twitter Web App)

Who called it list.reverse() and not list.upend()

via Twitter Web App

cdutilhnovaes At the train station now, and there are hordes of kids on their way to The Hague to protest against climate change. If it’s not too late, at least the Earth will be in better hands with this generation!…

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 10:22 AM, Feb 7th, 2019 via Twitter Web App)

yuvalpi Convolution coffee anyone?

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 8:59 AM, Feb 7th, 2019 via Twitter for Android)

ojahnn How to have a diverse network:
1. Have a non-diverse network
2. Stay in touch as people change over time
3. Profit

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 8:52 AM, Feb 7th, 2019 via Twitter for Android)

jasonbaldridge The ACL Anthology is a hugely valuable resource to our community, and there is a new focused effort to improve it over the next few years. This is a great opportunity for service -- please consider helping!

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 7:21 AM, Feb 7th, 2019 via Twitter for Android)