derwahremawa Die Nudeln-mit-Ketchup-Aufregung bringt halt so vieles zusammen: Einprügeln auf Schwache (SPD), Ernährungspanik, Foodie-Arroganz, Klassismus, Berlin-Bashing, alles auf einmal zu haben. Kein Wunder, dass das abgeht.
HannaEngelmeier 36G “Found because of how loud it was eating.”
37E “Steps forward, puts front paw to chest.”
41A “Stared at me, as if asking, Why are you following me?”
42H “Appeared to be engaging in a flirtatious yet combative ritual.”…
EtheHerring The top image is a fictitious weather report imagining what the weather would be like in 2050 for a 2014 French TV documentary about climate change.
The bottom image is the real weather report from last week
publictorsten Es ist etwas tarurig, dass man das erklären muss, aber so ist es wohl: ES GIBT KEINE VORFAHRT FÜR LEUTE, DIE 180 FAHREN!…
mozhacks @firefox @webcompat Our latest update few weeks ago came with a ton of CSS improvements, fixes and tooling. Did you know, for example, that @FirefoxDevTools lets you easily preview your print styles? 🖨️
@rachelandrew collected all the CSS-related improvements of Firefox 68:…
finlaaaay @mmbollmann @texttheater i know it's different when the scripts are all the same and you have to pick yours out, but honestly i don't even see the need for icons. usually when it's more than a couple it becomes a dropdown menu anyway.
wellformedness Genuinely love to hear a concern about the very real visa problem (and childcare) from the EMNLP folks.
joostbastings We released Joey NMT 🐨 a minimalist NMT toolkit for novices. Small & easy to understand code in @PyTorch with top quality translations. Paper includes a user study! #NLProc @StatNLP_HD @AmsterdamNLP #nmt @KreutzerJulia #pytorch
bundesamtfvs Noch mehr Erfolgsmeldungen: Deutschland hat jetzt auch mehr Elektroautos als Schottland, die Osterinseln und der Mars!…
fmailhot Mad props to @wellformedness for an Outstanding Paper at #acl2019nlp for (gently!) berating the field about their decades-long use of standard splits in eval.
mmbollmann @texttheater ISO language codes are pretty recognizable, I'd say. You could always wrap them in stylish colorful boxes to "iconify" them. 🤷♂️
wellformedness “...a parameter lambda that we anneal from zero to one...” interesting subcategorization/interpretation of the verb “anneal” #acl2019nlp
thickyrubio Interesting that John Delaney says he’s against socialism but allowed himself to be publicly owned.…
Mount Dingenskirchen
durst Umfrage: Was ist deine Lieblingsadresse?
Best short paper award!
texttheater @mumblamb at #acl2019nlp recognizing speaker commitment to embedded clauses ("Do you know that..." vs. "Do you think that...?"). Concludes:
"Irgendein Prepper-Kollektiv wird schon überleben und sich durch postapokalyptische Fiktionen perfekt vorbereitet wissen auf die Umstände, unter welchen es dann (...) existieren muss."
"Wenn die Gewissheit des eigenen Todes und die Wahrscheinlichkeit unschöner Todesumstände Panik erzeugen würden, wäre Panik ja – paradoxerweise – ein menschlicher Normalzustand, zumindest ab Mitte 30 oder so."…
wellformedness Also declaring bankruptcy on natural language inference/entailment, QA, etc. I’m not that kinda linguist.…
OscarKocken Dus strikt genomen zou je een burgerarrest kunnen doen tegen degene die onterecht een burgerarrest doet bij een boerkadraagster?…
@EnglishGibson What would be an untrendy English translation?
mspro das perverse ist: obwohl es gegen untere todesarten offensichtliche maßnahmen gibt (die nicht ergriffen werden) bricht der innenmister wegen des random act of violence - etwas, was grundsätzlich nie verhinderbar ist - seinen urlaub ab. und wir finden das normal. 1/2
durst Spaziergänger macht grausigen Fund in deinem Entwurfsordner.
GoaGoaZwerg Die Polizei Berlin hat mehrere Teilnehmer*innen einer Antifa-Radtour zum Hess-Marsch 2017 mit §129-Ermittlungen überzogen und für eine Speicherung beim BKA unter PMK-links gesorgt. Für die Betroffenen bedeutet das massive Eingriffe in die Lebensführung.…
OscarKocken Pysch: "Denk je dat het gaat lukken je eigen grenzen te bewaken en niet zomaar alles te accepteren...?"
Ik: "Hmhm."
Ik thuis:
nsaphra @wellformedness Oh I have that section, but I feel like if I listed reviewing it would drown out how I am the ILCC Cookie Czar
sjmielke "What Kind of Language Is Hard to Language-Model?"
(ACL 2019 long paper with @ryandcotterell, @wellformedness, @BrianRhoArc, and @adveisner)
A fancy regression model! BPE and char-RNNLMs! Two corpora spanning 69 languages! And a surprise ILP! Thread:
durst Falls ihr euch fragt, was da so rumpelt: Bin gerade im Nebenzimmer und bereite dort die Vernissage zur Ausstellung eurer peinlichsten Tweets vor.
Q: What about a hybrid rule-based/neural model?
Jiang: looking into it
@mumblamb at #acl2019nlp recognizing speaker commitment to embedded clauses ("Do you know that..." vs. "Do you think that...?"). Concludes:
gchrupala Nice demonstration that the state of the art in chat bots hasn't advanced since the 1960s. #acl2019nlp
emilymbender TIL: when giving a live demo in front of thousands of people, conceal the URL so it doesn’t get overwhelmed by other people accessing it. #acl2019nlp
emilymbender “Persona of an 18 year old girl”: why do chatbots need an age and gender? Why specifically that choice? This seems like the wrong direction for framing synthetic empathy. #ethnlp slide from Fung’s #acl2019nlp keynote
emilymbender Fung at #acl2019nlp keynote talking about utility of empathy in chat bots.
EMB: I think that empathy suggests more than recognizing interlocutor emotion, namely a self that can enter into commitments. Is there a UX design path that could appropriately frame synthetic empathy?
fmailhot Are #NLProc leaderboards divided into "weight classes"? Seems like it would be good to have bucketed ranges of e.g. # of params, amount of data, compute time, etc. Presumably others at #acl2019nlp have thought more about this than me.
hllizi Schlage PAPPKAMERADEN vor, billiger und weniger gefährlich.…
radamihalcea Great insight from Liang Huang’s #ACL2019nlp keynote: When it comes to simultaneous tasks such as speech-to-speech MT, “forget about sequence to sequence”, do instead prefix-to-prefix. Even during training when entire seqs are available, it‘s beneficial to only consider prefixes.