This way of doing generics is strange, quirky, and aggressively simple. In other words: feels 100% like #golang. 👍
PerryFellow man what is that disc depicted on doctor's heads in almost every cartoon depiction of a doctor? i just realized i've drawn it countless times without knowing what it is
Dunkelmagier „Ach canon, nicht canon, das sind doch bürgerliche Kategorien“ — @JayCogi
remcoknooi The publisher suggests that I shout off the rooftops that "my Open Access article has been downloaded 441 times", so there you go.…
It's with @oaostrik and it's about #strongverbs in #Frisian and how #Dutch really doesn't seem to influence this at all.
ncecire @ShammaBoyarin It's the best. I once had a class full of undergrads come in complaining that too many chapters in MD were "random," so I made them categorize that week's chapters as either substantive or "random," & by the end they had agreed that actually all the chapters were 100% necessary.
random_walker The asteroid theory of dinosaur extinction was developed by a physicist-geologist pair, Luis & Walter Alvarez. They were father and son. Academia is so bad at enabling interesting dialog across fields that they are more likely to happen randomly, such as at a family dinner table!
random_walker Academia rewards hyper-specialization. Scholars narrow their interests until only a handful of people in the world can understand them.
That means you can make ground-breaking discoveries and contributions if you have even an undergrad-level fluency in two or more fields.
there_are_two_ @wellformedness Why does the NLP/CL community need to hold massive in-person meetings to discuss new results at a rate of every 60-70 days?
fmailhot Are there dependency grammar analogs to the generative binding conditions? (Not sure if that Q makes sense, even)
pudo Repeat after me: trust has a different meaning in cryptography than it does in public discourse; if you willingly confuse the two you get no cookie whatsoever.…
alessabocchi Hong Kong protestors are on another level. Here they’re using lasers to avoid facial recognition cameras. A cyber war against Chinese artificial intelligence.
Schneckedertz #Comic zum Donnerstag - @kollegah (würde gern mal über andere Deutschrapper was machen, aber kenne mich da nicht so aus)
publictorsten Immer wieder verwunderlich, dass vermeintlich defekte Elektronikgeräte plötzlich wieder tadellos funktionieren, wenn man sie ein paar Tage liegen lässt.
@hllizi @aryamccarthy @emilymbender @eltimster @SabineStoll @BalthasarBickel @YovaKem @wittgen_ball @NlpTyp @uwnlp Not as fashionable anymore! Flattened by BERT, we need something else to do.
@aryamccarthy @emilymbender @eltimster @SabineStoll @BalthasarBickel @YovaKem @wittgen_ball @NlpTyp Thanks for the fantastic livetweeting!!
aryamccarthy @emilymbender @eltimster @SabineStoll @BalthasarBickel @texttheater @YovaKem @wittgen_ball @NlpTyp @uwnlp Bickel: In the endangered languages community, we have huge privacy concerns to weigh. Just putting things out on the web isn't the only way to share things with the #NLProc community
@NlpTyp #acl2019nlp
aryamccarthy @emilymbender @eltimster @SabineStoll @BalthasarBickel @texttheater @YovaKem @wittgen_ball @NlpTyp @uwnlp Bender: It's not clear that there are baseline scientific questions in #NLProc at the moment. Would like to see more respect for the questions we ask. Linguistics is treated as both utterly mysterious and (because we all use language) terribly ordinary.
@NlpTyp #acl2019nlp
aryamccarthy @emilymbender @eltimster @SabineStoll @BalthasarBickel @texttheater @YovaKem @wittgen_ball @NlpTyp @uwnlp Baldwin: Are typology resources enough? I'm sure there are plenty of places I could find answers about languages besides typology databases.
(Counterpoint: This means we should improve those databases.)
@NlpTyp #acl2019nlp
aryamccarthy @emilymbender @eltimster @SabineStoll @BalthasarBickel @texttheater @YovaKem @wittgen_ball @NlpTyp Q: What can NLP and Typology learn from each other?
Stoll: "NLP can make a huge difference in getting the data into such a state that we can *use it*—a parser, a morphological tagger..."
aryamccarthy @emilymbender @eltimster @SabineStoll @BalthasarBickel @texttheater @YovaKem @wittgen_ball @NlpTyp @uwnlp Kementchedjhieva: People mix the notions of low-resource languages and linguistically complex languages. Typology can't influence NLP the way we'd like because of this confound.
@NlpTyp #acl2019nlp
aryamccarthy Typology for Multilingual NLP is holding a panel discussion in Scherma. Great panelists!
@eltimster Tim Baldwin
@texttheater Kilian Ewing
@YovaKem Kementchedjhieva
@wittgen_ball Jungo Kasai
@NlpTyp #acl2019nlp
publictorsten „Wir hatten einmal einen Event – Helene Fischer in Frankfurt. Da ist Helene Fischer 83 Mal in der Nacht abgefragt worden“, berichtete Münch und fügte hinzu: „Es ist wohl relativ unwahrscheinlich, dass Frau Fischer dort 83 Mal kontrolliert worden ist.“…
Apparently I was the only out of 11 quiz-takers to guess the correct level for each perplexity graph. \o/ Pays to be a character encoding nerd. #acl2019nlp (I didn't manage to guess the reason why Chinese seems to do okay at the byte level though.)
Ada Wan @NlpTyp with a special "typological" perspective: behavior of sequence-based language modeling at the UTF-8 byte, character, and word level across languages.
Grumpfdalm Me, Migraine and Lipstick.…
wellformedness Worked myself into a corner in which I have to do 20 random replicates of any NLP experiment I wish to publish or someone will roast me.
derwahremawa In einem Land leben, in dem es unmöglich ist, dass irgendwo mal in vertretbarer Zeit zwei Kilometer vernünftiger Radweg gebaut werden, in dem man fast nicht telefonieren kann, ohne dass die Verbindung abbricht, in...…
adinamwilliams If you need an explicit way to discuss types of grammatically relevant gender phenomena (including non-binary!), look no further! NLP gender folks, take note! #NLProc…
derwahremawa universität
der ich habe zwei kurze anmerkungen ort
emilymbender @texttheater Same.
asayeed @emilymbender @texttheater Oh the pain of a double lane!
I would fain rip myself in twain
Typ-NLP and DMR same day why 😭 💔 #acl2019nlp
SecretCoAuthor Und einer Untersuchung der Universität Dresden zufolge subventionieren in Deutschland die Steuerzahler jedes Auto jedes Jahr mit 2100 Euro.
ivrik @ACL2019_Italy @emilymbender @adveisner @BalthasarBickel @sabine_stoll @IAugenstein The program is available online here:
rob_sheridan How to be metal af, 2019 style: Rammstein guitarists kiss on stage in Moscow to protest Russia's anti-LGBTQ policies:…
nsaphra @gchrupala @asayeed The demo track isn't intended to protect the delicate sensibilities of attendees from demos. It's to encourage more demo submissions. I like position papers, but not enough that I want to see many more of them each year!
CordSchmelzle Typischer Wissenschaftstweet (Rest der Welt):
"Thrilled to announce that I will join the University of Nowhereville as an Assistant Professor of Exiting Stuff starting this fall."
Typischer Wissenschaftstweet (Deutschland): 👇👇👇…
Me at #acl2019nlp workshops today:
11:00-12:30 Scherma: Typ-NLP poster on cross-lingual CCG induction…
14:40-14:55 Volta: LAW talk on the first open-source annotation tool for CCG + pilot treebank…
16:45-17:30 Scherma: Typ-NLP panel