Wen soll ich wählen? Irgendwelche Vorschläge? twitter.com/ann_ehrenhofer…
mdlhx Printing people: "You have no opportunity at this point to make new corrections. If new errors are detected, then these must be published in a separate errata list. "
THANK GOD, I needed to hear that!
random_walker Software companies can be breathtakingly clueless when there's a layer of indirection between them and their users. Everyone who's suffered through Blackboard will have the same reaction to this: try having less functionality! edscoop.com/how-canvas-cam… pic.twitter.com/CQ7r1nfP64
random_walker And that's exactly what's wrong with Blackboard. It has every feature ever dreamed up. But like anything designed by a committee, the interface is incoherent and any task requires at least fifteen clicks (and that's if you even remember the correct sequence the first time).
random_walker The point is, some products are sold directly to the end user, and are forced to prioritize usability. Other products are sold to an intermediary whose concerns are typically different from the user's needs. Such products don't HAVE to end up as unusable garbage, but usually do.
labenzticker Gutmadingen, das: Eine Vorsichtsmaßnahme, die durch ihr Vorhandensein beruhigen sollte, durch ihre daran abzulesende tatsächliche oder scheinbare Notwendigkeit aber beunruhigt. labenz.neutsch.org/Gutmadingen
Puettmann_Bonn 43% der #AfD-Anhänger nennen den "Handlungsbedarf beim Klimaschutz" (sehr) groß, die der anderen Parteien zwischen 99% (Grüne) und 79% (Union). Zeigt einerseits wieder die Isolation der Rechtsausgeflippten, andererseits ihre Zerrissenheit in Sachfragen jenseits ihrer Feindbilder.
GretaThunberg The huge, proposed new fossil gas terminal in Göteborg has been denied its final permit and will not be built because of the climate crisis.
Activism works. So act! #folkmotfossilgas #WeWonGothenburg twitter.com/fossilgasfalla…
That's a nice feature, more programs should have it twitter.com/nimirea_/statu…
emilymbender Hey #linguist friends: I think I've read somewhere that "genetic" is dispreferred when talking about relationships between languages. Is that so? What's better? What should I read?
mungo_s_park Mainzer Erklärung: Um die für die Wissenschaft erforderliche Dynamik und Flexibilität zu gewährleisten, sollten Uni-Kanzlerschaften auf 6 Jahre befristet werden. Und Ex-Kanzler&innen natürlich nicht weiter in der Wissenschaft arbeiten dürfen. #BayreutherErklärung
kleineSchwalbe_ Abgefahren pic.twitter.com/a0xpsBky87
copista Gute Anregungen unseres #Grünen Bürgermeisters für Stadtentwicklung und Verkehr in #Dresden. pic.twitter.com/aUr9m6Oeix
KreuzAcht DAS ist eines der echten Probleme bei der Bekämpfung des Rechtsextremismus:
Desinteresse bei den Verfolgungsbehörden in Zusammenwirken mit wohlfeilen Sonntagsreden vieler Politiker, denen keine Taten folgen. twitter.com/cjun1005/statu…
aclanthology (For papers with 3+ authors, use "etal" for the second author).
aclanthology Our keys are reasonable semantic (author1last-author2last-year-firstword) so you may be able to guess them. In testing, Overleaf won't tab-complete all keys, but there is no slowdown.
aclanthology For ease of citation, and to save yourself some time, you can download the entire Anthology bibtex (aclweb.org/anthology/anth… [24 MB]) and import it into your Overleaf document. Then point to it with
and you can instantly cite anything.