On page 44 of 300 of Het diner, by Herman Koch: "maar toch was dit verstand-van-wijn-heb... goodreads.com/user_status/sh…
jungleland I just want everyone to know that my two-year old insisted on being “pants” for Halloween... pic.twitter.com/ONR7K4AxnY
hllizi Wow, @CDU echt nur noch als bootstrap für den Faschismus zu gebrauchen. twitter.com/CDeutschlaende…
GretaThunberg As #COP25 has officially been moved from Santiago to Madrid I’ll need some help.
It turns out I’ve traveled half around the world, the wrong way:)
Now I need to find a way to cross the Atlantic in November... If anyone could help me find transport I would be so grateful.
-> twitter.com/pespinosac/sta…
ojahnn Shirt "unbösefindbarer Akzent", kenne viele denen ich das dann zu Weihnachten usw. twitter.com/kathrinpassig/…
fmailhot lfq (le feeling quand) t'as besoin d'engager un linguiste :P twitter.com/RC_Langue/stat…
random_walker In my experience, for selfish reasons alone, releasing a draft as soon as the paper is ready is absolutely the optimal strategy. Much of my best known work was public for *years* before it was official. Not-yet-accepted work was a big part of my job talk and even my tenure case.
random_walker Often an idea doesn’t work out, and journals don’t accept the paper due to negative results (which is terrible, but that’s a different rant.) So the researcher just buries the draft, leaving others to rediscover the same flawed idea and repeat the work. What a tragic waste!
random_walker If your research is funded by taxpayers, you have a moral duty to make it publicly available in a timely way. Don’t put half-baked work on arXiv, but also don’t sit on a draft for years while it’s trudging through the broken peer review system.
random_walker The reason why ideas don’t get stolen is not that academia is a paragon of virtue. It’s more that someone plagiarizing from arXiv has a high risk of getting caught. Besides, ideas are a dime a dozen and everyone else is too obsessed with their own ideas to pay attention to yours.
random_walker When I ask those paranoid researchers if they’ve ever had an idea stolen, it always turns out to be something that happened to a friend of a friend of a friend, much like the urban legend of waking up in a bathtub full of ice with your kidney harvested.
derwahremawa Die drei albernsten deutschen Mittelständlernamen sind Seppelfricke, Eberspächer und Poggenpohl. Fight me.
Derived two forms of "derive" (and great joy) from R.s lesser creations "dived" and "rives". @rewordable pic.twitter.com/5CTK9uiGBY
spinfocl In welchem Bundesland kann ich denn heute Abtönfarbe kaufen?
kathrinpassig Frage aus dem Publikum, wie aktuelle Sprachentwicklung einfließt: "Werden die Systeme mit Rilke, Grimmelshausen, Thomas Mann gespeist?" @samlaeubli: Was im Internet vorhanden ist, wird verwendet. Nennt Projekt Gutenberg (sagt nichts zu Libgen, ich frage später). #Übersetzertag
kathrinpassig 35% Produktivitätssteigerung beim Einsatz von maschineller Übersetzung, sagt @samlaeubli (am Ende einer sehr guten Sendung-mit-der-Maus-Erklärung der zugrundeliegenden Technik). #Übersetzertag
kathrinpassig Auf die Frage, wer maschinelle Übersetzung im beruflichen Alltag nutzt, hebt etwa ein Drittel die Hand. #Übersetzertag
derwahremawa Inventing photography wasn't nice for everyone, but it was Nicéphore Niépce
skglas Kurz gesagt: wir sind wieder bei der dummen 80:20 Annahme und der extremen Hybris der Techniker. Ich komm zurück auf meine U-Boot-Metapher. Wenn Du deiner KI voll vertraust und das U-Boot dicht ist, fahre doch mal 2 Wochen damit herum.
publictorsten "Monatskarte" klingt so viel langweiliger als "Flatrate". twitter.com/tagesschau/sta…
_inesmontani So I'm currently writing a prodi.gy recipe to evaluate multi-word sense2vec vectors and trying to get the example selection selection right. Here are some of my favourite philosophical questions from the early experiments 😂😂 pic.twitter.com/IORjKvXYxu