The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @texttheater ever

November 25th, 2019

MCartwrightPhD The marketisation of HE has proved to be in everyone's interests... apart from students... and staff... and society. What I mean is, the marketisation of Higher Education has proved to be in the interests of Vic€ Principal$…

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 11:09 PM, Nov 25th, 2019 via Twitter for Android)

GabrielBerlin Watzlawick Vaporub – und Sie können nicht nicht frei durchatmen!

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 10:42 PM, Nov 25th, 2019 via Twitter for Android)

JayCogi I should learn how to spell the accordion. all the best writers know how to spell the accordion

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 10:33 PM, Nov 25th, 2019 via Twitter for Android)

kweenys There are quite a few things that I dislike about the academic system in Germany; but I never heard of an administration this bad. At least, it is good to know that an increasing number of people is no longer willing to accept this.…

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 10:32 PM, Nov 25th, 2019 via Twitter for Android)

NeinQuarterly Never read a Russian novel with fewer characters than you're allowed on Twitter.

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 10:29 PM, Nov 25th, 2019 via Twitter for Android)

zeitcampus Dass Studierende besonders anfällig für psychische Erkrankungen sind, ist nicht neu. Neu ist, dass sie sich trauen, offen darüber zu sprechen.…

via ZEITonline (retweeted on 10:15 PM, Nov 25th, 2019 via Twitter for Android)

Keanu Reeves Is Too Good for This World…

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Mit Bindestrichen durchgekoppelte Adjektivketten, auch so ein typisches Zeichen von Bullshit…

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lslothuus Oh my god an Edinburgh student wearing a strike sash who graduated today handed the Head of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences of the uni a flyer instead of shaking her hand 😮😮🤩🤩 What a legend! @ucu

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 7:37 PM, Nov 25th, 2019 via Twitter for Android)

gingerBFG Move over, baby shoes never worn

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 5:36 PM, Nov 25th, 2019 via Twitter for Android)

Rainmaker1973 The old Palace of the Republic in Berlin, East Germany, before it was demolished in 2006 was one of the most technologically advanced of its day; its seating could be mechanically configured to suit different events in an automatic, mechanical fashion

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 1:19 PM, Nov 25th, 2019 via Twitter for Android)

texttheater „Entschuldigung für das Nichtzurückrufen, das war ein internes Aneinandervorbeigeredethaben bei uns.“

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 12:34 PM, Nov 25th, 2019 via Twitter Web App)

JollySea rollende Kapselhotel – was ich für eine verbesserung halte!…

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 12:23 PM, Nov 25th, 2019 via Twitter for Android)

publictorsten Etwas erschütternd: Ein NBC-Reporter entschuldigt sich im Impeachment-Podcast dafür, dass er jedes Argument von Trumps Verbündeten vernichtet. Warum das so ist, habe ich hier aufgeschrieben.…

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 12:22 PM, Nov 25th, 2019 via Twitter for Android)

ignitesthestars sometimes people write PROBLEMATIC CONTENT that you PERSONALLY DO NOT LIKE or even content that society has agreed is An Issue! however comma you do not have the context from a goddamn fanfiction account to go forth and Cancel!

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 12:21 PM, Nov 25th, 2019 via Twitter for Android)

derwahremawa Staff only, aber als Magier-Kampfstil

via Facebook (retweeted on 11:17 AM, Nov 25th, 2019 via Twitter Web App)

oezgeschmoezge Mein Papa hat eine „Worüber die Deutschen lachen“-Reihe auf Facebook (er nennt die wirklich so, s. letzte Zeile) wo er deutsche boomer jokes ins türkische übersetzt damit sich seine boomer Freunde aus der Heimat auch dran erfreuen können. Ich liebe ihn so doll 😭

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 10:37 AM, Nov 25th, 2019 via Twitter for Android)

azpoliak @zehavoc @overleaf This happens all the time to me. Overleaf does a nice job of “overcoming” compile errors but it’s a pain when trying to compile locally

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 10:37 AM, Nov 25th, 2019 via Twitter for Android)

aclmeeting Important reminder: if you plan to submit to , *all* authors must sign up to be in the reviewing pool by completing both the Global Profile and ACL2020 Information Form.

Details here:…

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 9:49 AM, Nov 25th, 2019 via Twitter for Android)

SCHNORCHLOTRON das neue Geheimprojekt der NSA

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luthersoehnchen Köln. Stadt der heilen Welt.

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 7:56 AM, Nov 25th, 2019 via Twitter for Android)