Chekhov's item placed on the roof of a car
durst Die eine Star Trek Folge, in der Geordi und Data sich mit einer Unmenge an .DS_Store auf dem USB-Stick konfrontiert sehen.
"What is it like?" - "It's awesome." - "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Slow down. Not in so many words. Executive summary, please."
It's not ageist it's COHORTIST dammit…
yuvalpi Interesting results! "Get the fuck up" is undoubtedly grammatical, with the expletive following the main verb, whereas in this construction "get" functions as an auxiliary, but apparently it's not enough to make it completely ungrammatical.
Thanks all who answered & @stronglang…
"Bist du fündig geworden?" - "Nein, ich bin unfündig geblieben."
ubiquity75 You can’t introduce yourself into a chain of social, cultural, economic and political factors, crunch numbers as “data,” then puke your findings out again. There’s a reason researchers spend their lives pursuing questions in these domains and it’s not because they don’t know R.…
GoodGermanWords #FalscherHase
In Germany, #Meatloaf is called “Wrong Hare” and if that’s not logical enough for you, it’s also called “Livercheese”
#Good #German #Words
random_walker This is the most interesting short piece I've ever read about gig work:…
The root cause of the rise of insecure and temporary work in the US is not technology, but rather a profound restructuring of jobs that began over 40 years ago.
ShadiBartsch Just to make my classics pals groan:
Scylla: the face that lunched a thousand ships
CodepointsNet “My name causes an issue with any booking! (names end with MR and MRS)” on travel.StackExchange:…
Interesting view into old software/interfaces interpreting stuff, even ASCII-only.
durst tut mir leid dass ich mich schon wieder entschuldigen muss aber ich wollt echt nochmal sorry sagen wegen dem übertriebenen verzeihungsgesuch vorhin
bomelino böse sein
😡 ist nicht lieb
😡 haben andere schon gemacht
😡 niemand mag bösewichte
lieb sein
😊 cool & trendy
😊 innovativ & out of the box
😊 erzeugt endorphine
derwahremawa Braunkohlerepublik Deutschland…
BuckRivera Der öffentliche Nahverkehr muss attraktiver werden, um die Vielflieger ins Boot zu holen.…
theNeo42 Die Impressumspflicht für Freiberufler*innen, deren gewerbliche Anschrift ihrer Wohnanschrift entspricht, gehört abgeschafft/modifiziert. Denn wer sich z.B. antifaschistisch äußert, dessen Anschrift wird ganz schnell in rechtsextremen Kreisen verbreitet; es besteht Lebensgefahr.
literalbanana What’s your favorite meme that expresses something hard to express in non-meme English?
The_Rabbit42 My tax proposal is simple: everyone has a Zelda-style wallet with a max capacity. Once you make idk $99,999,999 you're done. Can't hold anymore. The rest falls to the ground and other people can pick it up.
existentialcoms To say these people added value to the world and therefore "deserve" their billions is absurd. They subtracted value, an enormous amount of value, and stymied progress to seize control and extract wealth. Computers and the internet would be more advance if they had never existed.
DasSurma Incrementing variables in for-loops
- overused
- nonsensical
- imbalanced
- hipster
- expressive
- symmetric