texttheater @derwahremawa Generell: Michael und Matthias für mich derselbe Name, ebenso Veronika und Viktoria, Vinzent und Viktor.
@derwahremawa Generell: Michael und Matthias für mich derselbe Name, ebenso Veronika und Viktoria, Vinzent und Viktor.
CodeWisdom "Telling a programmer there's already a library to do X is like telling a songwriter there's already a song about love." - Pete Cordell
random_walker In machine learning we say "prediction" whether or not we’re predicting the future. This vocabulary choice is partly responsible for confusion about the power and limits of ML that I document here. Actual prediction is qualitatively & quantitatively different from other ML tasks. twitter.com/random_walker/…
TiniDo Wie kann DAS BITTE PASSIEREN?! twitter.com/tazgezwitscher…
"Mit dem Matschoverall ist das Wetter Jacke wie Hose." Well played.
bundesamtfvs Alles klar, dann können die betroffenen Journalisten ja jetzt ganz in Ruhe aus Hamburg berichten. Glückwunsch zum gewonnen Prozess.
(hähähähä...) twitter.com/arndhenze/stat…
I always name my machines after four-letter Egyptian deities (ptha, apis, shai, unut…). My current laptop’s name, thot, adds another layer considering it’s a ThinkPad.
MsOeming BERLIN FOLX! Tomorrow, 6pm: Come to @FU_Berlin & let me explain to you why I consider #pornaddiction a moral panic 🧐 facebook.com/events/3998150… pic.twitter.com/756CTMNGGb
sana_ajani Do you use @code with an assistive technology? We're working on making VS Code a more accessible tool :) Please fill out this short survey and we'll be in touch with you! research.net/r/HMF275T
ibogost Not many people know this, but Microsoft was a metal band from 1980–1982. pic.twitter.com/8sP3dv2lU8
@Die_Gruenen @WikimediaDE @ACLU @unoflucht @dieLinke @guardian @techniktagebuch (Anlass: Wenn die Wikipedia eh alle paar Monate ihre extrem penetranten Spendenbanner schaltet, brauche ich Spenden an sie auch nicht zu automatisieren.)
Habe jetzt mal alle regelmäßigen Spenden (per E-Mail) gekündigt, wo man das *nicht* mit einem leicht auffindbaren Online-Formular machen kann. Do better, @Die_Gruenen, @WikimediaDE, @ACLU. Kudos, @unoflucht, @dieLinke, @guardian. /cc @techniktagebuch
@lenakmeth argh
@lenakmeth At my uni, the admins once installed Python 3 after much begging because it was needed for a computational linguistics course. So what did they alias it to? "cl". 😡
MurrayLeeA Harrington et al. (2019) find that a group of individuals with different Englishes/L1s began to converge in their accents while stationed in Antarctica, even innovating a more fronted /ou/
deviparikh tl;dr Tighten the writing before you consider what content to remove. This may seem obvious, but I've been surprised by how often folks start with the latter.
This is an example (from John Carlis, University of Minnesota). Tightening the writing can save a third of the space! pic.twitter.com/LRui6kMBYJ
JBM9000 Just had the impulse to 'shazam' a smell. Oh to live in 2045. #2019problems
bcmerchant I love this so much: Worker-owned apps are rising to compete with the VC-funded, worker-exploiting behemoths
vice.com/en_us/article/… pic.twitter.com/F3myAKuLkW
fff_duesseldorf Die „@peteraltmaier-ist-alles-scheissegal-Karte“
Am 29.11. um 11 Uhr am Landtag! twitter.com/greenpeace_de/…