@emtiu Nein. Tafelbilder und VG Wort sind verschiedene Geschichten. Der Blogeintrag stellt da keinen Zusammenhang her.
deliprao A great Quora answer qr.ae/RklBZq pic.twitter.com/FMoPLCxCBO
@emtiu @ChPietsch @TheCocoaNaut @dunkelmunkel Quatsch. Das steht da nicht.
wellerstein Today's birthday: Joseph Rotblat (1908-2005), the only physicist to leave Los Alamos after learning the Nazis did not have a bomb project.
Snowden The problem with the new #SnoopersCharter is trying to fit the law around the spying, rather than making spying fit the law. It's backwards.
amyquispe the saying is "a camel is a horse designed by committee" dissing design-by committee but like, camels are pretty much better
GeileHirnbude Beim Faunisten noch schnell einen bunten Strauß Tiergenitalien holen.
Hell Is My Mind smbc-comics.com/index.php?id=3… #lustiges #feedly
Snowden #SnoopersCharter's "judicial oversight" seems notional, not serious. Judges need power to weigh evidence, propriety. twitter.com/DavidDavisMP/s…
ncweaver Give me access to that data in bulk and I can have a blackmail target for every office of every member of parliament.
Lotterleben .@tauriqmoosa I love how they shortened "I don't think anyone is as capable as white cishet dudes" into 3 words.
@yoavgo @jasonbaldridge @emilymbender Note they're talking about the prototype chatbot, not Smart Reply.
ncweaver Requires, at minimum, ISPs to keep bulk netflow and passive DNS on everybody. Which really DOES get your web history
Herr_Rau Gebloggt: Games for Thinkers. Aus den späten 1960ern. herr-rau.de/wordpress/2015…
Snowden I think that has to come from the President, but I appreciate the offer. twitter.com/DavidDavisMP/s…
Lotterleben But the word selfie didn't exist (at least in my world) and there were no articles shaming young people for being so vain etc etc
GoaGoaZwerg Sächsische Regierung muss eigene Gedenkstättenstiftung auf Twitter wegen Sympathien für rechten Mob zurückpfeifen. pic.twitter.com/IzsKQOQ4dP
fatmike182 Da sitzen Menschen drinnen? #waszählt pic.twitter.com/Ip9GmcLGBK
rodmckie If you know of a more sarcastic sheep than this, I'd like to see it! pic.twitter.com/Vu8vua2xgg
Snowden "It's only communications data" = "It's only a comprehensive record of your private activities." It's the activity log of your life. #IPBill
fredericmarx That awkward moment when the German expression for “Likes” is 21 characters long. #i18n pic.twitter.com/uqdAw6Xbdh
sixtus Im Kontext der #VDS sollten wir nicht von Meta-Daten sprechen. Das ist verharmlosend. Treffender: Kommunikationsverhalten & Bewegungsprofil.
ojahnn Finished my first #NaNoGenMo entry today, a book that consists of all possible German syllables. github.com/ojahnn/jedesil…
SoVeryBritish A pre-holiday dilemma, from Very British Problems Abroad - out now amzn.to/1HxQcR1 pic.twitter.com/yzhcJEY51b
Sarcastic sheep is sarcastic. - GIF on Imgur imgur.com/gallery/2GxY5r8
femInsist Frauen müssen Familie und Beruf nicht vereinbaren. Eltern müssen Berufe und Familie vereinbaren. #servicetweet #lasttweet
@wellendonner Mit diesem Hühnerdreck triggern Sie koe einzige pürtschäs dißischn!
Mandelbroetchen Ich mag die Einstellung nicht, dass man sich etwas vom Staat verdient hat, nur weil man eingezahlt hat. Der Staat ist ein Solidaritätswerk.
hllizi @texttheater geistige Tätigkeiten
@Nachtvogel Bei uns ist er seit gestern Vormittag weg. Schade. :(
Die Dächer wieder pic.twitter.com/52MDCX1rST
Classic LaTeX WTF (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ tex.stackexchange.com/a/220643?stw=2
iamtrask @geomblog @pmddomingos dropout = grad student dissent
dubstep4dads Me: this is bullshit. conditioner and shampoo in one? impossible
Walmart employee who I have in a headlock: sir I didn't make the shampoo
ylecun Adverserial training = gradient dissent.
pmddomingos Jobs in America when trucks still needed drivers: pic.twitter.com/ljS1gpeqoa
SciencePorn Poor friendly sharks pic.twitter.com/hoiRtLXaas
Noorderhaven bei Nacht pic.twitter.com/oTB1zJ8moS