jgrahamc The first 90% of a systems software project is fun; the second 90% is finishing off the details; the third 90% is making it work reliably.
nadjakwapil what is empathy worth. without acts of courage. empathy is emp_t_y.
Der_Postillon Report: Über 700.000 Neuankömmlinge jährlich - schaffen wir das? [Postillon24] youtube.com/watch?v=1N5w78…
tallinzen Tell me more about how language isn't hierarchical twitter.com/StigAbell/stat…
peterbreuer Auf dem Mond scheint Tag zu sein.
ChPietsch Als die ZEIT versuchte, @politicalbeauty fertigzumachen, kam nur dieser Text raus:
yoavgo And maybe... "every time I fire a linguist performance goes up" is really b/c that's one person less pointing to cases where system fails?
climagic <Ctrl-_> # Incremental undo of command line edits. Ctrl-- works the same and Ctrl-? sometimes works as well, although its not documented.
erzaehlmirnix Warum dieses Comic Sie schockieren wird: wp.me/p2pD8T-1NS
vassility Zu Beginn einer langen Autobahnfahrt das Radio ausschalten und unter Blickkontakt zum Fahrer ganz, ganz langsam die Mundorgel herausholen.
climagic <Meta-#> # Comment out the current command from the beginning of the line. Faster than <Ctrl-a> then #.
algovc Very insightful article from @shivon on the types of startups tackling machine intelligence techcrunch.com/2015/11/26/mac…
superglaze Human rights: for the good times and the ba...oh just the good times then twitter.com/dougf24/status…
Lotterleben To put my enthusiasm in context: the process typically involves xml being E-Mailed back and forth, and maybe a trac issue tracker somewhere.
martinweigert The opposite of a court decision yesterday made in Germany. twitter.com/patrikhson/sta…
callmewuest Reminder: if you teach people, read this. It applies to everything, not just Monads. mkremins.github.io/blog/doors-hea…
femInsist "Vorurteile über muslimische Männer sagen viel über die deutsche Gesellschaft aus" - @kuebra im @SZ-Interview: sueddeutsche.de/leben/fluechtl…
Etwas mit "das lasse ich mal unkommentiert" kommentieren.
fchollet All of Keras including RNNs is now running both on TensorFlow and Theano. The rest is polishing. I expect to release in a few days.
hllizi Mein neuer Lieblingsspruch. twitter.com/ZDFheute/statu…

kirschner Good time to order "There is no #cloud, just other people's computers" bags from @fsfe fsfe.org/order/order.en… pic.twitter.com/IkD8sxyvqa
amyquispe This is the most important Black Friday listicle you will read. motherboard.vice.com/read/the-10-be…