Rudis RestauRampe
"Boah, diese Haare! Der hat bestimmt eine Zementmischmaschine im Badezimmer."
SoVeryBritish "Feel a bit rough actually" - Translation: Please call an ambulance
oOtrinityOo Nadelt euer Weihnachtsbaum auch so dolle?
Why bother using a VPN if NetworkManager happily falls back to unprotected network if connection fails; no easy way to change that #BadUX

AliceAvizandum does... does wikipedia want me to fuck the pope
nsaphra @amyquispe I found out your profile was public again because @texttheater is retweeting everything you've ever said. 👏🏽

jedc Perhaps the most important startup equation? (Constant improvement trumps all)
As spotted at @homebrew HQ.
amyquispe I had half a mind to change my twitter bio to "thot leader" but my friends said no.
amyquispe It's not just with startups. The problem I see in like, all [tech] career advice is that it's rife with survivorship bias.
amyquispe If you are trading labor for equity you are, in fact, investing. Do not back down. Ask investor questions.
-> About the end. I've had founders get mad at me for asking "investor questions." That's how you know it's a scam.
amyquispe that time i accidentally pushed back a meeting 4 hours by using military time.
amyquispe told someone i was free at 1530, so they scheduled me for 5:30pm. i then confirmed with them 1730, and so they decided to meet at 7:30pm.
Deutsch_Falsch Erschnatzung is the German word for lines of fire from multiple positions that cross in a small region.