nsaphra I would vote for any candidate who promised to eliminate first-past-the-post voting. Even if all other policies were about killing cats.
Bboy_Izilla Don't worry I found the Klingon reverse BDSM debate you were looking for. pic.twitter.com/AroobqZE1j
ojahnn Here's a very personal piece. A poem I wrote about my feelings, in valid Clojure. pic.twitter.com/RF6uCmY5EX
@ojahnn Die kanonische Antwort wäre auf verben.texttheater.net/Starke_Verben/L zu finden, aber jeder ihr eigener neutscher Dialekt!
ojahnn Es stellt sich nun die Frage, ob ich mich bei der GSV beleibt, beleiben oder beloben gemacht habe. Ich hab mich jedenfalls wohlgefohlen :-)
ojahnn "Rettet des Genitivs!" dürfte was für @phototio sein, die Spaß daran hat, Wörter spontan auf -s enden zu lassens. bit.ly/1XN19Ye
SueBeeLV I think Facebook needs a "couldn't care less" button. And then just to drive people nuts there should be a "could care less" button.
@nsaphra like Hillary's policies better.
@nsaphra shallow utilitaristic arguments, specifically in Section 3. I'm not saying you should vote for Bernie, especially if you actually
@nsaphra because of political realities. One reason for this is the Overton window. And that's why I liked that the article made fun of
@nsaphra I should be more precise: I feel what a candidate WANTS to do should earn them votes, not what they likely will be ABLE to do
dan_schmidt I ❤️ the TeX community tex.stackexchange.com/questions/2791…
ojahnn Wow, ich bekomme das Oberkommando der zu gründenen Roboterarmee der Gesellschaft zur Stärkung der Verben! \o/ twitter.com/texttheater/st…
@nsaphra That's why I agree with that article. Long been sick of voices telling people to vote centrist for "stategic" reasons.
Die Gesellschaft zur Stärkung der Verben hatte die Ehre von @ojahnn.s Anwesenheit auf einer Personalversammlung! verben.texttheater.net/PerVers_West
@nsaphra Did you unlike the Bernie tweet when you realized the article was ironic? ;)
oOtrinityOo So. Erstmal mit dem Blümchenhandtuch in den Freihantelbereich.
Wie lächerlich, prospektiven Staatenlenker/inne/n Inkompetenz vorzuwerfen. Das ist schließlich ein Job, dem *niemand* gerecht werden kann.
Bernie Sanders is the Worst Presidential Candidate in History, and You and All Your Friends are Idiots pastemagazine.com/articles/2016/…
MarcoFuchs74 @niggi @publictorsten Da kommt's her: Von Christian Tramitz als Peter Lustig. bullybase.de/tv/bullyparade…
Pandamoanimum Yeah, that'll work just fine. pic.twitter.com/qeEEu4Dyy5
NeinQuarterly We regret to inform you that this is now officially a rule of German grammar. pic.twitter.com/ReyW9DorGW
WorldAndScience Great use of positive and negative space pic.twitter.com/JDzSetPuU8
rauschma Wasn’t aware: the third highest bit in ASCII controls upper/lower case:
Wikipedia Venn diagram showing which uppercase letter glyphs are shared by the Greek, Latin and Cyrillic alphabets. pic.twitter.com/yl6kZ2vLoL
spinfocl Ja, es gibt Studierende, an denen man verzweifeln könnte. Aber wozu? Es gibt auch genug andere. faz.net/aktuell/beruf-… via @Fischblog
So now I want to keep my ~/.z and my ~/.local/share/recently-used.xbel in sync.
frachtschaden Ich spielen heute wieder das größte Open world game der Welt.
CodepointsNet “Diacritics” over at @xkcdComic: xkcd.com/1647/ I still wonder how he entered all those…
yoavgo Also, seems to me that the REAL problem with the US higher-ed system is that these wimpy young profs don't draw as fast as they used to.
@ojahnn Ich schulde dir einen Kuli 😶
nsaphra In which "trigger warnings" of another sort have an actual dampening effect on faculty free speech. twitter.com/chrchristensen…
claytoncubitt "Dominatrices offer $27 'Bernie Special' to Wall Street workers"
national.suntimes.com/national-world… pic.twitter.com/MlYV0qKvWv
Bill Burr on playing it safe. Well said. pic.twitter.com/LU7R1TXIyc