The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @texttheater ever

February 24th, 2016

nsaphra I would vote for any candidate who promised to eliminate first-past-the-post voting. Even if all other policies were about killing cats.

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 11:45 PM, Feb 24th, 2016 via Twitter Web Client)

Bboy_Izilla Don't worry I found the Klingon reverse BDSM debate you were looking for.

via Mobile Web (M2) (retweeted on 11:44 PM, Feb 24th, 2016 via Twitter Web Client)

ojahnn Here's a very personal piece. A poem I wrote about my feelings, in valid Clojure.

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 11:42 PM, Feb 24th, 2016 via Twitter Web Client)

@ojahnn Die kanonische Antwort wäre auf zu finden, aber jeder ihr eigener neutscher Dialekt!

via Twitter Web Client in reply to ojahnn

ojahnn Es stellt sich nun die Frage, ob ich mich bei der GSV beleibt, beleiben oder beloben gemacht habe. Ich hab mich jedenfalls wohlgefohlen :-)

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 11:39 PM, Feb 24th, 2016 via Twitter Web Client)

ojahnn "Rettet des Genitivs!" dürfte was für @phototio sein, die Spaß daran hat, Wörter spontan auf -s enden zu lassens.

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 11:38 PM, Feb 24th, 2016 via Twitter Web Client)

SueBeeLV I think Facebook needs a "couldn't care less" button. And then just to drive people nuts there should be a "could care less" button.

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 11:37 PM, Feb 24th, 2016 via Twitter Web Client)

@nsaphra shallow utilitaristic arguments, specifically in Section 3. I'm not saying you should vote for Bernie, especially if you actually

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@nsaphra because of political realities. One reason for this is the Overton window. And that's why I liked that the article made fun of

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@nsaphra I should be more precise: I feel what a candidate WANTS to do should earn them votes, not what they likely will be ABLE to do

via Twitter Web Client in reply to nsaphra

dan_schmidt I ❤️ the TeX community…

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 7:29 PM, Feb 24th, 2016 via Twitter Web Client)

ojahnn Wow, ich bekomme das Oberkommando der zu gründenen Roboterarmee der Gesellschaft zur Stärkung der Verben! \o/…

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 7:28 PM, Feb 24th, 2016 via Twitter Web Client)

@nsaphra That's why I agree with that article. Long been sick of voices telling people to vote centrist for "stategic" reasons.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to nsaphra

@Chaosfux @ojahnn Dann werde ich mich dafür mal stark machen.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to Chaosfux

Die Gesellschaft zur Stärkung der Verben hatte die Ehre von @ojahnn.s Anwesenheit auf einer Personalversammlung!

via Twitter Web Client

@nsaphra Did you unlike the Bernie tweet when you realized the article was ironic? ;)

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oOtrinityOo So. Erstmal mit dem Blümchenhandtuch in den Freihantelbereich.

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 7:05 PM, Feb 24th, 2016 via Twitter Web Client)

Wie lächerlich, prospektiven Staatenlenker/inne/n Inkompetenz vorzuwerfen. Das ist schließlich ein Job, dem *niemand* gerecht werden kann.

via Twitter for Android

Bernie Sanders is the Worst Presidential Candidate in History, and You and All Your Friends are Idiots…

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MarcoFuchs74 @niggi @publictorsten Da kommt's her: Von Christian Tramitz als Peter Lustig.…

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 3:35 PM, Feb 24th, 2016 via Twitter Web Client)

Pandamoanimum Yeah, that'll work just fine.

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 3:30 PM, Feb 24th, 2016 via Twitter for Android)

NeinQuarterly We regret to inform you that this is now officially a rule of German grammar.

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 3:17 PM, Feb 24th, 2016 via Twitter for Android)

WorldAndScience Great use of positive and negative space

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 1:12 PM, Feb 24th, 2016 via Twitter for Android)

rauschma Wasn’t aware: the third highest bit in ASCII controls upper/lower case:…

via Tweetbot for iΟS (retweeted on 12:43 PM, Feb 24th, 2016 via Twitter Web Client)

Wikipedia Venn diagram showing which uppercase letter glyphs are shared by the Greek, Latin and Cyrillic alphabets.

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 12:42 PM, Feb 24th, 2016 via Twitter Web Client)

spinfocl Ja, es gibt Studierende, an denen man verzweifeln könnte. Aber wozu? Es gibt auch genug andere.… via @Fischblog

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 12:41 PM, Feb 24th, 2016 via Twitter Web Client)

So now I want to keep my ~/.z and my ~/.local/share/recently-used.xbel in sync.

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frachtschaden Ich spielen heute wieder das größte Open world game der Welt.

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 10:42 AM, Feb 24th, 2016 via Twitter Web Client)

CodepointsNet “Diacritics” over at @xkcdComic: I still wonder how he entered all those…

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 10:41 AM, Feb 24th, 2016 via Twitter Web Client)

yoavgo Also, seems to me that the REAL problem with the US higher-ed system is that these wimpy young profs don't draw as fast as they used to.

via Twitter for iPad (retweeted on 1:46 AM, Feb 24th, 2016 via Twitter for Android)

@ojahnn Ich schulde dir einen Kuli 😶

via Twitter for Android

nsaphra In which "trigger warnings" of another sort have an actual dampening effect on faculty free speech.…

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 12:43 AM, Feb 24th, 2016 via Twitter for Android)

claytoncubitt "Dominatrices offer $27 'Bernie Special' to Wall Street workers"…

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Bill Burr on playing it safe. Well said.

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