I put the tonk in Betonklotz.

j_kloiber 'The Distributed Monument' – Download and 3-D Print ISIS-Destroyed Artifacts. rhizome.org/editorial/2016… Great Project! pic.twitter.com/ifBk8VKk5z
peterbreuer Abends die Kaffeemaschine befüllen und hübsch den Tisch decken. Dann alles vergessen und morgens denken: COOL, DIE HEINZELMÄNNCHEN WAREN DA!
hllizi Be warned: if anybody should come up with a reasonable suggestion, I'll task her with implementing it.
asayeed Next you'll be telling me that theoretical linguists have a fashion magazine that isn't @SpecGram

SCMP_News Jilted elephant goes on rampage again after his love dumped him just before Valentine’s Day buff.ly/1WtrJob pic.twitter.com/yUXMZRPElb
egrefen If physicists had as much ego, relative to the difficulty of their field, as ML people did, physics departments would be black holes.

lesyeuxbelle @AcademicPain
Chair employs *wrecking ball* #highered pic.twitter.com/1LMHMz6DsY
@nsaphra Can you blame him for those memes?
lisha_ruan Before you get too excited about that GitHub study... slatestarcodex.com/2016/02/12/bef…
sehof The argument for democracy is its mediocrity sensehofstede.nl/the-argument-f…