hacks4pancakes If Twitter dies, we could alternatively all move back to MySpace and start a Mad Max-esque post apocalyptic society in its digital ruins.
nsaphra What do you call a grammar nazi obsessed with lexical prescriptivism?
Hätte voll Bock was zu verhängen, z.B. Fenster oder Fatwa
@Snowden Define "harm".
nsaphra I cannot think of any other grounds on which w2v (a shallow NN) and GloVe (approximately matrix factorization) are both DL approaches.

nsaphra I get it now. "Deep learning" is performative. A model is deep if used by anyone who identifies as a DL researcher. pic.twitter.com/5HH3FSKsJw
kathrinpassig Die neue Nachbarin kennengelernt, "ich wohne jetzt schon 6 Jahre hier, da wollte ich mal Hallo sagen". Hier herrscht keine ländliche Hast.
ZachWeiner Wait. If autism-spectrum people are over-represented in the sciences... wouldn't that imply that... autism causes vaccines?!

kylegriffin1 None of these are adjectives. pic.twitter.com/Y9kyHHyZYB

ojahnn Neuigkeiten von Twitters Verständnis der deutschen Sprache. // @texttheater pic.twitter.com/l1wgS919Ax

Khanoisseur How I gently remind people that their time is up in the conference room pic.twitter.com/1HxGmsTyfk
the_maki Ritter Sport "Mannheimer Innenstadt", Originalmaßstab, 70.000.000 Gramm.