_frischebrise “Der Vater von Pippi Langstrumpf ist Megakönig im Taka-Tuka-Land.”
Meine Kinder kennen das N-Wort nicht mehr! \o/ #esgibthoffnung
climagic diff <(docx2txt < agreement.docx) <(docx2txt < newagreement.docx) # Did they really only change what they say they did?
spinfocl Sagt Thomas Ernst zu meinem #VoynichMS-Kapitel. Der Thomas Ernst. twitter.com/spinfocl/statu…
amyquispe If Satan Was a Web Developer m.imgur.com/gallery/qA4Bu
hllizi Mist, jetzt ist die Hand gebeizt.
How to choose between the least popular candidates of all time: slate.com/articles/news_… via @Slate
frachtschaden "Holla, Onkel Egbert, dein Velociraptor nascht ja die Landbevölkerung!"
absurdistwords 3) Deconstructing systems that necessitate black markets and coercive commerce.
absurdistwords 2) Diverting non-violent offenders into community based programs that utilize family and community support
absurdistwords 1) Restricting prison usage to violent felons only, reducing the population to an efficiently manageable size
absurdistwords Sure, dealing with violent, hardened criminals is tough, but the system exacerbates this by failing to do the following: