@zehavoc Hehe, I believe it! That was only the *mid-credit* scene though. ;)
@zehavoc Thanks! I'll be looking starting next summer.
@zehavoc Me too! And it was funny too! Btw it was your tweet that pushed me to go watch it. ^^
Doctor Strange finally delivers on Inception's promise.
DeepGrammar "You can verb anything." William Safire as confirmed by @spacy_io. pic.twitter.com/C4Z56vgIim
probably_Alice na da stellt der horrorclown sich ja ein schönes gruselkabinett zusammen.... #trump
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tom7 Excuse me, does this "all-inclusive" vacation package include vacation packages that don't include themselves?
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mbukowski Amazon 9.0: Hinter jedem von uns fährt ein Lieferwagen her, voll mit allem, was wir laut Algorithmus wollen werden. Same-Sec-Delivery.