conor64 The coalition that opposes Donald Trump needs to get much better at persuasion/winning converts, lean much less on stigma. It doesn't work.
scaredflowers Ok ich möchte jetzt mal einen Thread darüber anfangen, wie 1 sich um Leute kümmert, die gerade ne Panikattacke oder ähnliches haben
SiyandaWrites Young men came to these online groups for tips on picking up girls & came out believing that it was up to them to save Western civilization
acumella @SiyandaWrites as with Brexit, a call to return to a version of country they've never experienced, and never existed.
SiyandaWrites How could a guy who goes months w/o seeing POC be so adamant about failings of "multiculturalism"? Online radicalization
SiyandaWrites If people followed the alt-right groups on Reddit, they would know that young white Americans were told to hide their support of Trump.
oOtrinityOo 1993 bin ich bei der Klassensprecherwahl auch nur Zweiter geworden. Ich weiß schon gar nicht mehr, wie die Börse damals reagiert hat.
jonrog1 Hey, no joke, and I'm paraphrasing smarter people. If you plan on opposing Trump:
Get Tor.
Get Signal.
Get a VPN
2FA on your emails.

IndyArts Noam Chomsky called this political moment 6 years ago #Trump
Pixelfish Y'know, yer Pollyanna optimism about how life still goes on is predicated on you not having brown skin, pre-existing conditions, uterus, etc
RemembrancerBex If you're white, accompany PoC. If cis, accompany trans folks. Be an emergency contract for disabled folks. You can help. Do so.
RemembrancerBex If you are not a marginalized person & want to make a difference, right now your job is to stand by those most in danger.
katjahusen People will literally die. There will be violence against PoC, LGBTI*, "others". There will be higher mortality. There will be suicides.

Delafina777 "Poor white people are voting for Trump bc of economic stress!" No they're not.
zeitweise Ich finde, es ist Zeit, wenigstens in Deutschland etwas gegen die Populisten zu tun.
amateuradam If you wondered about the opposite of Netflix and Chill, it’s CNN AND PANIC.

maragrunbaum Well, I came to the Botanical Garden this afternoon to try NOT to think about the election, but