tallinzen Some really exciting ideas for a virtual conference, especially the ones meant to encourage "serendipity and engagement" - the hardest aspect to recreate virtually. twitter.com/iclr_conf/stat…
spinfocl Agrippa von Nettersheim stellt schon im ersten von knapp 150 Kapiteln seiner Occulta Philosophia klar, dass der Leser nur weiterlesen soll, wenn die Kirche das Buch inzwischen NICHT verboten hat. #spurensuche
Schplock TFW a conference tool thinks YOU should be the background. twitter.com/skeptikantin/s…
nsaphra Wagner Week at the Met Opera's free quarantine stream, so I thought I'd introduce The Ring to my gal through the 1989 DC comics adaptation.
I am now getting this tattooed across my back pic.twitter.com/RzRrhl7Ijf
BuckRivera Tit for tat. pic.twitter.com/vaiF3FofxA
matt_obrien just a reminder that if your fellow self quarantining neighbors are being too loud you might be able to connect to their Bluetooth speaker
emilymbender In summary, if you aren't working together with someone who understands the use case of the tech you're building, i.e. if you don't know how to answer the question here, your efforts can be better spent elsewhere.
#StayHomeStayHealthy #StayInYourLane
emilymbender Furthermore, we can't let the current disaster scenario be used as a pass for valid evaluation of #NLProc systems. It's easy to throw ML methods at data; it's much harder to design the careful studies required to see if the ML methods actually produced useful output. >>
frank_opitz Tagebuch der Isolation: pic.twitter.com/btffdVSxYV
zeitweise Wahlunterlagen für die OB-Stichwahlen in Bayern (die diesmal ausschließlich per Briefwahl stattfinden) bekommen. Ein bisschen enttäuscht, dass kein Corona-Watteteststäbchen dabei war, aber wenigstens kann man den Umschlag zum Zukleben abschlecken.
LeilaAls Die Corona-Krise legt dieser Tage schonungslos die Bruchstellen unserer Gesellschaft offen. Die obere Mittelschicht hat sich in ihre eigenen vier Wände zurückgezogen und macht Homeoffice. Die weniger Privilegierten müssen weiterhin jeden Tag zur Arbeit erscheinen. (1/5)
jrnsg Schade, dass Quarks das nicht in der Breite geteilt hat.
Ich bin mir sicher: Verstehen fordert Verständnis und Sorgfalt. pic.twitter.com/ZdfUS08Q2J
rentalcustard Germany bans gatherings of more than 2 people, keeps workplaces open. The German coronavirus is expected to "behave professionally" in the office and seek approval from its line manager before spreading.
wellformedness Seems like a good time as any to finally master `screen`.
robrousseau the promise of potential mass human sacrifice has pleased The Line twitter.com/markets/status…
sophiasgaler positively phenomenal use of the BBC News theme tune. Little does she know this is actually how we make the news pic.twitter.com/3Zx8pw2eeM
dlowd Dear Reviewers:
Don't reject because we made it look easy.
Making it look easy is hard work.
Don't reject because our solution is simple.
Simple solutions often have the most impact.
Don't reject because you can imagine additional experiments.
There's a page limit.
MiloHsieh My phone, which is satellite-tracked by the Taiwan gov to enforce quarantine, ran out of battery at 7:30 AM. By 8:15, four different units called me. By 8:20, the police were knocking at my door.
luoshanji "NOTICE: Midnight porn-watching neighbor: Please delete our bluetooth speaker from your phone. Here are the instructions..." pic.twitter.com/znBAkiqU2l
EmilyKOliver German translation tip for our times:
“I’m working from home now.”
= „Ich arbeite jetzt im Home Office.”
“I’m working at the Home Office now.”
= „Ich arbeite jetzt für das britische Innenministerium.“
rygorous If you want something to be _properly_ indefinitely delayed, leave it to ze Germans. See also: Berlin-Brandenburg Airport.