Afelia Es beginnt. pic.twitter.com/JTtfcsgon7
confusedophan how do we explain to privileged people that a slur isn’t the same as an insult and that feeling mildly disrespected isn’t the same as being oppressed?

pooldad if you pixelate the picture of justin beibers house a bit it looks like it's from a 1999 strategy game pic.twitter.com/biaiRpA4ek
Jamie xx - Gosh youtu.be/hTGJfRPLe08 via @YouTube
"terms which comment on an situation—rather than fill some denotational gap—rarely have much of a future" twitter.com/wellformedness…

nixcraft Ohhh Noooooooo pic.twitter.com/MpWGhQalg4
mendel btw the power move for zoom backgrounds is to take screenshots of your coworkers’ work areas when they step out of camera (or edit them out) and then work from their home office
be vigilant, and remember cmd-shift-3 gets you a screenshot of the whole screen you can crop later
ojahnn LIFE HACK: if you can't remember to do regular necessary things by yourself, just set a timer. e.g. I have an alarm for every 12 seconds to remind me to blink whenever I'm annotating data
EhudReiter New blog: How can I tell if a paper is scientifically solid?
stephanpalagan 6. Laut DIN EN 455-4:2009-10 beträgt die Mindesthaltbarkeit von Einmalhandschuhe (die Sie mehrfach aufgeführt haben) 5 Jahre. Man müsste den Warenbestand also 2 Mal (!) im Jahrzehnt (!) austauschen und rollierend abverbrauchen. Das ist zumutbar.
literalbanana worry when the bad takes stop flowing
waleed_ammar #nlphighlights 90: How is it like to do research in academia vs. industry? In this episode, Jason Baldridge and Philip Resnik who experienced both environments share their thoughts about tradeoffs including flexibility, security and intellectual freedom.