skglas Sehr faszinierend. Da hat sich jemand beim Erfinden des Universums echt Mühe gegeben:…
roger_p_levy @lintool I’ve been thinking lately: what if we replaced author–date format with title–date, e.g. [Lin et al. 2011] -> [Smoothing Techniques 2011]? Or for brevity [SmooTechn 2011]. Title words are probably more useful memory retrieval cues anyway. Bonus: encouraging more creative titles!
JayCogi ghost physalis
[[[scare brackets]]]
eveningoflight I did make some nice Earl Grey kvass (actually my first batch of kvass ever).
Taste after one day of cold fermentation is creamy smooth, with a nice tang from the fizz. I *think* I can taste the smokiness of the tea too.
Grumpfdalm Einzelmännchen: Hausgeister aus der Volkssage, die nachts in Polizeireviere einbrechen und da das ganze Racial Profiling und rechtsextreme Vernetzung machen.
wiase Komischerweise hab' ich bei den Leuten, die sich als besonders selbständig denkend darstellen, immer das Gefühl, die würden eigentlich gar nicht denken.
@ojahnn Now I hope neither of you will shut up about it for several more weeks 😁
peterdhintz Ich komm in dein Google Doc und lass meinen Cursor stundenlang an einer ungewöhnlichen Stelle stehen.
@anna_pryslopska @ojahnn In Düsseldorf ^^
derwahremawa Warum heißt es Stierkampf und nicht Nahochskonflikt
RitzmannMarkus Es gibt schon wieder ein neues «Google TV» 🤪😅 (Cartoon:…)…
RiverInsanity Erkenntnis des Tages:
Ich muss keiner Lohnarbeit nachgehen um meinen Beitrag zur Gesellschaft zu leisten.
Emotional Support, Hilfe bei Ämterangelegenheiten und ähnliches sind genauso viel wert.
laotralamisma “Get somebody from Linguistics down here”
God I wish that was a thing
chriswolfvision That's a nice way of writing equations (I sometimes do this in lectures). From ICLR 2021 submission ("An attention free transformer"),…
cactus_chef Von der Begeisterung für Wärmepumpen in die Arme des Faschismus getrieben, wer kennt's nicht
cactus_chef Alles daran, vom Sachverhalt bis zum nonchalanten Ton der Meldung, sollte einen fassungslos machen, aber das ist wohl das "new normal".
abstractsunday My 2020, animated (with J.S. Bach soundtrack)
CKVanPay When you bin your continuous variable and use arbitrary bin sizes to make the data fit your narrative.
labenzticker Lürschau, der: Das zutiefst unbefriedigende Gefühl, wenn beim → Ershausen der siebte Sinn getrogen hat und die Teetasse doch schon leergetrunken war.
kashanacauley It’s ok to replace “choosing not to quarantine” with “exploring the exciting world of manslaughter.”
debreese 1) This photo is from an online page @studiesweekly created. If your district uses materials Studies Weekly creates, children are being mis-educated.
I'll do a brief analysis in this thread. This is only one item in a pages-long unit that is full of errors and bias.
benedictevans TikTok is introducing Americans to a question that Europeans have struggled with for 20 years: a lot of your citizens might use an Internet platform created somewhere that doesn’t know or care about your laws or cultural attitudes and won’t turn up to a committee hearing
KidsWriteJokes I’m good exercise for gravity.
EnglishGibson Our family shorthand for "could you please make some kind of vocal response to indicate that you've taken on board what I just said" is:
notcapnamerica Trump coughed here after the word “therapeutics” and it was edited out using the morph cut feature in @AdobePremiereCC
Angelina6615 Und sie schafft es doch!!!😂🤗💕❤️
"Funny, because I need to stay on you."…
Gaohmee YALL. The #ProudBoys hashtag has been hijacked by the gays to piss off the Nazis and I’ll happily do my part by flooding the internet with the only acceptable proud boys out there: the very gay ones 🌈
radentscheid Berlin. Anschaffen. Jetzt.…
eine crema so steif du kannst mit dem kaffee rennen & es schwappt nichts über
"That an inverted person driving a car makes the car itself inverted is one of those things you just have to go with."
"At the same time, an inverted silver car uncrashes and joins the chase."
"Then John David Washington beats some guys up with a cheese grater."
"Thanks to frenetic cinematography, blink-and-you’ll-miss-it editing, and a reliance on verbal exposition that’s marred by the movie’s muffled sound mix, even those who like the film have to admit they have no idea what’s going on half the time."…
🤯 TENET Explained! Full Movie Timeline & Final Scene Breakdown (Spoilers) via @YouTube
texttheater Wir viralisieren Simone
djbaskin This text-based conference is incredible. We are trading "rares" by the swag table. I only want conferences to be MUDs from now on. 🤣 SO GOOD @roguelike_con
thingskatedid today I don't want to code, I just want to like... hang around with code
ICRC We said it in 1918.
We're saying it in 2020.
TillRaether White supremacy is a death cult…