hashtagmolotov Unbelievable. @Instacart is now requiring Shoppers to do the uncompensated work of distributing Prop 22 propaganda to customers —against our own self-interests. Even *if* (big if) this is legal, it is reprehensible and establishes a dangerous precedent for workers. #NOonProp22 pic.twitter.com/NXVblutvsh
thingskatedid Hey @unicode if we have a goose emoji can it be made of 🦆+🦢 ??
KetanJ0 My key argument: think less about the hearts of these people, whatever you personally feel about them, and worry more about the incredible, huge, momentous corporate machines that are also comprised of people, who are taking active steps to worsen the problem we're trying to fix.
Vetgirl15 Wegen einem #Katzenbiss in die Notaufnahme?
Anlässlich meines kleinen Unfalls heute, hier dir Erklärung, wieso Katzenbisse IMMER und ASAP zum Arzt sollten!
ThePyPA Changes are coming to pip, #Python's package installation tool, in October 2020. 2min20sec explanation video featuring people who work on pip:
Migration guide: pip.pypa.io/en/latest/user…
Sign up for user experience studies: bit.ly/pip-ux-studies
antjeschrupp Das Buch von Christina Lamb über sexualisierte Gewalt in Kriegen habe ich nur mit sehr großer Mühe lesen können. Aber es ist unglaublich wichtig, bitte verbreitet es (leider hinter Paywall, aber zur Info to whom it may concern). blaetter.de/ausgabe/2020/o…
MatjazLeonardis @michael_nielsen @FrankWilczek @cosmicpinot @paulmromer @ProfPCDoherty Seeing people whom you’d previously only see in their official capacity or being built up in ceremonies/interviews just being normal humans is one of the best aspects of Twitter in my view.
Katharina Grosse — It Wasn't Us pic.twitter.com/aXVlsMmxP7
@hllizi Startupidee 🤔
hllizi Was fehlt: eine Webseite, auf der man ein paar Wörter eingeben kann und eine Liste mit Links zu Seiten bekommt, auf denen all diese Wörter vorkommen.
durst ichbjn schon in dr neuen wirklcuhjeit bleibt ihr ruhig in der alten ist
vielleicjt besser so
peterdhintz 2011 haben wir unsere Fernseher „aus dem Fenster geworfen“, jetzt momoxen wir unsere Bücherregale leer, um Platz für 55 Zoll Smart TVs zu machen.
lazerwalker Today is #NationalComingOutDay! I wish I’d been told just how much “coming out” is a process rather than a discrete action. You don’t (usually) just go from “closeted” to “out”. The act of sharing who you are happens over time, contextually and situationally. And that’s okay!!
provaxtexan Best "Mask Required" sign I have seen! pic.twitter.com/hvvFPT8Y1m
mostly_voids Hello to any of my students who may find this tweet, this is exactly the energy I'm going to bring to class
jasonbaldridge Empirical work allowed one to back one’s claims rather than seeing who could tear the others down during a conference presentation, so that really appealed to me. I still worked on theory, but did it from a perspective focused on improving CCG and integrating ideas from others.
jasonbaldridge It really put me off, and I naturally gravitated to Mark Steedman and Aravind Joshi’s kinder, more inclusive approaches to grammar. Then I discovered empirical NLP work (thanks to Adwait Ratnaparkhi, Mike Collins, @adveisner and other senior grad students at UPenn IRCS).
jasonbaldridge As a reasonably well established NLP researcher, I thought it might help junior folks to hear of something that has been challenging for me—namely, that I’m not good at on-the-spot questions, discussions and debate. In retrospect, this has shaped my career and research choices.
patio11 One way: truth has infinite detail and no necessity to make narrative sense. Lies tend to be short and narratively rich.
This applies beyond biographies. twitter.com/paulg/status/1…
("Feuilleton Klimax von Lothar Baumgarten)
engl. war on drugs
dt. Krieg auf Drogen
skglas Prognose: der neue "war on drugs" wird der sein gegen nackerte Fotos & Posing in Netzen in versch. Altersgruppen. Abstrakte Gefährdung, massenhafte Vorkommnisse va. bei Gleichaltrigen, unverhältnismäßige Verfolg. & Sanktionierung. keine Sozialschädlichkeit, ressourcenintensiv
Have some adverbs pic.twitter.com/gdeHXxKfSq
VariantenGra Noch etwas zu den Präpositionen im Deutschen, genauer zu den regionalen Unterschieden im Gebrauch von *am* und *auf* (bei gleicher Bedeutung). Dazu zwei Karten. In der VG steht z.B. unter dem Eintrag *am/auf dem Markt*: "In A wird mehrheitlich die Variante *am Markt* verwendet." pic.twitter.com/AmmBmuJhZJ
anna_pryslopska Happy Sunday! #SmashThePatriarchy 👇
reddit.com/r/WitchesVsPat… pic.twitter.com/LMYHmaJuPC
nsaphra do you people know how hard it is to figure out which chomsky bullshit is being subtweeted by leftist linguists
derwahremawa Wenn ich Spaß daran hätte, 60 statt 5 Minuten zu brauchen, um 4000 Wörter Information zu absorbieren, hätte ich das Lesenlernen bleiben lassen.
ScHuehnerkrisp Wenn man sehr berühmte Lieder auf Spotify hört, kriegt man manchmal noch wunderschöne Cover dazu zusehen. pic.twitter.com/P6YDlsdOaf
THICJ00N that “you’re not allowed to be upset because people have it worse than you” mentality is VERY damaging.
NPR Here are 5 strategies to help you reduce stress:
⛹🏽♀️ exercise
👯♀️ cultivate friendships
🧘🏻♂️ learn meditation or relaxation techniques
🍎 eat well
👩🏾⚕️ seek help for anxiety disorders #WorldMentalHealthDay trib.al/Qfyx6fD