spinfocl So befreiend es sein mag, jemanden für den aufziehenden Lockdown verantwortlich zu machen, er war wahrscheinlich einfach nicht zu vermeiden. #covid19
benni_b Bin so gespannt auf die kommenden Farbwerte auf der RKI-Karte. Todesextradunkelrot? Schwarz? Neonschwarz?
mdlhx And the video is now public! uni-duesseldorf.sciebo.de/s/Ac9a5s91kW5A… #nlproc twitter.com/mdlhx/status/1…
mostly_voids Hello I've had a thermos of high-caffeine-content tea (it's very good, coffee pu'erh blend from @BirdandBlendTea) and I am currently vibrating at a frequency only audible by dogs
nkjemisin Said to my therapist this morning that I can't plan anything, bc the next few weeks are a singularity of possibilities that I can't see past. She gave me permission to play video games all day -- "practice radical self-care," basically. Anybody else needs to hear this, you too.
queerterpreter I worked in theater for a decade and it wasn’t until I started transcribing audio for work that I realized WHY both live and filmed shows/movies sound so unnatural (the scripts come in sentences). twitter.com/sociolinguista…
mdlhx Here are the slides, for anyone interested: cl.lingfil.uu.se/~miryam/papers… twitter.com/mdlhx/status/1…
annargrs The preliminary program for Insights from Negative Results is up at insights-workshop.github.io/program/!
If you attend @emnlp2020, on Nov 19 you'll have a chance to detox in a hype-free, reality-check zone. On the menu:
- invited talks by @radamihalcea and @byron_c_wallace with live QA /1
a11byte LangID is an under-estimated core #NLProc tool, but it is a must to develop if we want to obtain corpora for under-represented languages.
When I started my research in Peru, we trained a basic LangID model for 49 native languages+variants (bit.ly/34GaHR3), ... (1/3) twitter.com/daanvanesch/st…
EmmaSManning (love how conference presentations now have deadlines instead of dates when they happen)
ACflurane what idiot called it a "randomized clinical trial controlled with placebo" and not "trick or treatment"
Grumpfdalm Can I just have a federally guaranteed annual 24 days of leave from existing, thanks.
Abebab when you solve the harmful and negative societal consequences of algorithmic decision-making by "debiasing" your dataset pic.twitter.com/MECn0Otac8
Bleeptrack Btw: you can generate your own overflowers here: overflower.bleeptrack.de #generative #procedural pic.twitter.com/ayDsx2eMMX
@eveningoflight I ♥️♥️♥️ that outfit!
ein schönes Schlupswort
EnglishGibson How's about this for a rule of thumb: if you can replace "auch" with "zum Teil" and it still makes sense, don't translate it as "also".
anonymaus1312 How it started How it's going (B!) pic.twitter.com/XxAdnB4bh9
Müllbo Beutlin
Johannes42 Die Fiktion einer lauten undefinierten Masse von Kritiker*innen kann der Text nur deshalb aufrecht erhalten, weil die zitierten Äußerungen nicht mit den Namen der Urheber*innen versehen werden. Insofern ist der Text symptomatisch für ein bestimmtes Schreiben über Twitter.
ojahnn I have set myself three tasks, one of which is totally my jam, the second of which is roughly half of my jam, and the third of which is the total opposite of my jam
ScHuehnerkrisp @Eilenbrat Sprachi or it didn't happen
labenzticker weilimdorf (Interj.): Gestammel, wenn man das offenkundig Unwahre für offenkundig erklären will: „Weil, wir müssen die Kirche doch mal im Dorf lassen, weil, also, ich bleib Kanzler!“ labenz.neutsch.org/weilimdorf
judith_moeller Because of @katypearce raving reviews of #AoIR2020 I became its newest member and visited the online conference last night. I was not disappointed: If someone knows how to do online conferencing it is the Association of Internet Research. Here are some things that worked for me:
skyglowberlin We’ve just published the coolest experiment I’ve done in years: doi.org/10.1177/147715…
Want to know why the brightness of this city is different in these two satellite images? Read the thread 👇🏾 pic.twitter.com/CGr61yMSPL
Siphr0dias Fiesmenschen Kräuterschmelzkäse in den Kaffee wünschen.