brynguist Updates to my mom's English (Michigan): it is now "the covid." As in, "I can't go in because of the covid," or "she don't wanna catch the covid." I'm guessing the addition of "the" is in parallel to the flu, the mumps, the measles, etc., but it still sounds odd to my ear! Love it
roto_tudor These are iPad stations being prepared for virtual ICU end of life visits by a palliative care doc I know. Jesus.
alvinfoo Influencer training school in #china
#InfluencerMarketing #DigitalMarketing #marketing #kol #advertising #ecommerce #LiveStreaming
NeinQuarterly It’s starting to signify a lot like nothing.
grab a bowl of 'sli
manisha72617183 OH: Changing random stuff until your program works is bad coding practice, but if you do it fast enough it's Machine Learning.
Steven_m_ward I have an exciting new idea for university leaders: adjunct deans, who will be paid $3,500 per semester to spend 15 hours a week fundraising. If an adjunct dean cobbles enough of these positions together, they can surely stay above (or at least close to) the poverty line.…
emuehlbe Two weeks later, and “doomscrolling” is just normal English:…
emuehlbe Then, it gets weird, because in a week, it’s *everywhere*:…
emuehlbe I have a visceral memory of reaching around for an appropriate word, not finding one, then making it up, and being pleased at how well it captured what we had been doing. And, my friends immediately reacted like I had coined a great word (@ericdaryl, @ymiller419, and others)
emuehlbe Here at the end of 2020, you might be wondering: who invented the best word of the year, namely "doomscrolling"?
Friends, it was me!
And, at the same time, it wasn't me!
Pull up a chair and hear how #doomscrolling came into existence
Herr_Rau Change ringing ("Wechselläuten")…: Arthur C. Clarkes "9 Milliarden Namen Gottes" mit etwas Schönberg: alle Permutationen einer Reihe Glocken ohne Wiederholung und mit zusätzlichen Constraints nach traditionellen Mustern durchspielen.…
spreeblick Es werden 69 fucking Mio. Euro in eine App investiert, über deren Nutzung und damit Sinn einzelne Mediziner:innen aus dem Bauch raus entscheiden? Hackt‘s? Ich kann als Nutzer:in selbst entscheiden, aber die Weitergabe des Codes sollte verpflichtend sein für Labore/Praxen. (6/x)
ScHuehnerkrisp Der offizielle Echo-Sketch
"Man muss genauso sicherstellen, dass das, was man zählt, von seinem Hintergrund getrennt und identifiziert wird sowie während des Zählvorgangs nicht abhaut oder mit einem anderen Gegenstand unbemerkt verschmilzt."…
Baustelle, aber als französisches Kosmetiklabel
SoVeryBritish "Make yourself at home" - Translation: Remain where I can see you and stay out of my cupboards.
zeitweise Also wenn ich als Virus eine Inkubationszeit wählen müsste, würde ich mich auch am Abstand zwischen Weihnachten und Silvester orientieren.
SibylleBerg 1 top text von m. biller. keine ahnung was das @ZDF grade so macht, aber es holt bestimmt auch viele zuschauerInnen ab, einfach unkommentiert alte göbbelsreden zu senden. protip
eveningoflight I'm always waiting for other people to make moves. The perfect combination of insecure, aloof, and lazy. 😅…
_KarenHao Since September, I've been speaking to civil lawyers around the country about their fight against a web of hidden algorithms that deny their clients basic services. I also spoke with a survivor of algorithmic harm. Her name is Miriam. This is their story.…
Wer nannte es Normenbeschwerde und nicht Dinklage naja
Wort des Tages: markgängig…
dhh The invention of JavaScript minification was a mistake. With View Source of old, you didn’t have to ask management for permission. That was just the way the web worked. Minification terminally damaged that. Utterly tragic 😢…
dhh “I owe much of my career to View Source. It’s what got me started with web development in the first place. Going to sites that I liked, learning how they did what they did” - don’t pull up the ladder behind you. If you learned from View Source, pass it on.…
Google Maps mal wieder herrlich random
_KarenHao If you're wondering what Google was so terrified of @timnitGebru publishing, I got a copy of the paper. Here's my best summary of what it says.
Thank you to @emilymbender who coauthored the work for sending it my way.…
_inesmontani I also really liked @rctatman's perspective ✨✊
brynguist This might be a bit gauche, but we're in a pandemic-induced employment crisis, so I guess I'll attempt to network where I can:
I am seeking an opportunity to teach linguistics part-time/online for the Winter/Spring 2020 semester. Hire me!
gottapatchemall Looking at some old code and was initially puzzled by a variable named 'feet'
I have now worked out that this was at one point called 'legend_handles', which then became 'leg_hands', which then became 'feet'
sometimes I truly hate my past self