The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @texttheater ever

December 30th, 2020

AIsToBAsCIsToD Flimsy : Flat Earth Society :: Whimsy : What Earth Society

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 11:17 PM, Dec 30th, 2020 via Twitter for Android)

Who called it past and not pretense

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athenogenes You: let people enjoy things
Ursula Le Guin:

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 9:49 PM, Dec 30th, 2020 via Twitter for Android)

ztellman I wrote an essay about the sociological concept of “legibility”, as it relates to software design:….

Here are some of the footnotes:

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 9:48 PM, Dec 30th, 2020 via Twitter for Android)

MKLtxt „Beutetiere haben meist Rundumsicht, während Raubtiere ein nach vorn gerichtetes Blickfeld haben, um sich besser auf Beute fokussieren zu können. Nun frage ich mich natürlich, warum Thomas die kleine Lokomotive ein Raubtier-Blickfeld hat.“

Manchmal machen mir die Kinder Angst.

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 8:34 PM, Dec 30th, 2020 via Twitter for Android)

nsaphra This is what you are supposed to do with tenure…

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 7:14 PM, Dec 30th, 2020 via Twitter for Android)

GabrielBerlin Die Arena ist kein Büro, es gibt also auch kein Bürolicht, aber dafür Knüppelholzes (warmes) Showlicht, das Schlagschatten auf die Formulare wirft. Aber die Stimmung ist gut. Gerade letztes Päuschen, jetzt nochmal rein.

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 6:26 PM, Dec 30th, 2020 via Twitter for Android)

GabrielBerlin Der eine Militär hier loggt die Leute aus ihren Accounts aus wenn sie aufs Klo gehen und das vergessen. Ein anderer desinfiziert die Computer beim Schichtwechsel.

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 6:25 PM, Dec 30th, 2020 via Twitter for Android)

eveningoflight You Won't Believe How Strong Some Of These Verbs Are…

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 6:03 PM, Dec 30th, 2020 via Twitter for Android)

After a couple years hiatus, I'm starting my third attempt to watch the full length of David Lynch's "Inland Empire". Wish me luck!

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"it is worth asking whether in fact, semantic felicity is a reality"

via Twitter for Android in reply to texttheater

"If compositionality simply allowed complexity to emerge from simplicity, the question would have been settled long ago. (...) under such a vague requirement, any semantics can be encoded as being compositional, making the concept of compositionality itself vacuous."…

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JuliusGoat If you program them to slaughter a crowd of protesters they’ll do it with similar precision.…

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 1:33 PM, Dec 30th, 2020 via Twitter for Android)

derJamesJackson A Start Up Flat in Berlin are looking for a new member “based on psychometrics” and their video is even more cringe than you’re imagining

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 1:32 PM, Dec 30th, 2020 via Twitter for Android)

EnglishGibson The German word used in order to make a noun out of the activity of stroking (e.g. to give a dog "a stroke") is "Streicheleinheit".

In English this transliterates as "stroke unit", which normally refers to the part of a hospital dealing with patients who have suffered strokes.

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 1:21 PM, Dec 30th, 2020 via Twitter for Android)

labenzticker Freundelsdorf, das: Das deutsche Wort für friendzone. „Jemanden ins Freundelsdorf schicken“ heißt so viel wie „jemandem klarmachen, dass man keine Beziehung mit ihm/ihr haben, sondern nur befreundet sein will“. Wie man das am besten anstellt, wird in dem…

via Labenzticker (retweeted on 1:13 PM, Dec 30th, 2020 via Twitter for Android)

zeitweise Ich hatte mal das Déjà-vu, dass ich ein Déjà-vu hatte und immer wenn ich jetzt ein Déjà-vu habe, habe ich jetzt ein Déjà-vu.

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 1:12 PM, Dec 30th, 2020 via Twitter for Android)

ewen201 i cannot transcribe vowels for the life of me and i am fully convinced that vowels are an intricate hoax carried out by the big vowel industry to sell more vowels

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 1:06 PM, Dec 30th, 2020 via Twitter for Android)

higginsdavidw This week we mark 1 year since Dr. Li Wenliang sounded the alarm over a large number of SARS-like patients at his Wuhan hospital.

Li was silenced by the police and kept working with his patients.

In early January he caught the new disease and died from it in February aged 33.

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 12:57 PM, Dec 30th, 2020 via Twitter for Android)

JuliusGoat “Yes, of course it’s sad when murder robots murder someone unnecessarily, but if you got rid of them *completely*, who would you call if you needed somebody murdered with robotic efficiency? Um we adults don’t live in your perfect utopia where murder robots aren’t necessary.”

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 9:30 AM, Dec 30th, 2020 via Twitter for Android)

ScHuehnerkrisp Krav Twerk aber als Verteidigungstanz naja

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 7:33 AM, Dec 30th, 2020 via Twitter for Android)

chbergma That's not how words work…

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 12:35 AM, Dec 30th, 2020 via Twitter for Android)

thingskatedid dreamt i was playing football (!), and my opening move as team manager was to resign one of my players from the game, have them join a religious movement orientated around fire, and set fire to the opposition's side of the pitch

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 12:24 AM, Dec 30th, 2020 via Twitter for Android)