JimMFelton I’m becoming an antivaxxer until this becomes the standard procedure for adults pic.twitter.com/g1tZO9fBD9
LstSaar Lucia Donatelli, Jonas Groschwitz, Matthias Lindemann, Alexander Koller and Pia Weißenhorn. “Normalizing Compositional Structures Across Graphbanks”

Nun jedoch: Linsen mit Penne (weil es keine Spätzle gab) pic.twitter.com/x1Ddqxy3Ru
Wer nannte es Brutalism Appreciation und nicht Betonglotz naja
kgajos Just read “Race and Gender”, a chapter by @timnitGebru from The Oxford Handbook of Ethics of AI (preprint at arxiv.org/abs/1908.06165). It is a very good introduction to key concepts in the field. Let me highlight a few:
moerle67 Mädchen hat #Corona und hockt in Quarantäne. Banknachbarin hat keine Symptome, wird also nicht getestet. Eltern von Banknachbarin bekommen voll die Symptome aber keinen Test, weil ja kein Erstkontakt.
Wisst ihr Bescheid...
alqaeda I wonder if we could get our terrorists classified as “essential workers”.
I mean, we do help keep the large and profitable ‘security theater’ sector of the economy going, so … twitter.com/SunnyOhHK/stat…
"Funny how the same people who say X also say Y." This type of claim, typically posted without evidence, is a pet peeve of mine. I doubt that everybody we disagree with has the same set of (inconsistent) beliefs.
alethioguy Brilliant perspective on teaching ethics to computer science students, especially the point about the impossibility of "neutrality": theindy.org/2235
It solidifies my view that CS has to be taught more as a social science than a natural science, if that's possible.
mmitchell_ai "didn’t meet our bar for publication ... It ignored too much relevant research".
He says of our paper, with over 128 cross-discipline citations. And so fires one of the authors. 2020's monster version of Reviewer #2. twitter.com/JeffDean/statu…

ExtinctionR_DE 10.000 Stimmen sind schon zusammengekommen für die Petition für einen Bürger:innenrat zur Klimapolitik!
Zur Petition 👉bit.ly/KMJ_Petition
Auf geht's, wir lassen die Petition steil durchstarten!
Wer schon unterzeichnet hat: teilen, weiterleiten, taggen!
#DemokratieUpdate pic.twitter.com/4T6yieoeCn

isi_peazy Wusstet ihr das? pic.twitter.com/p48J92plHV
remcoknooi We hebben het inmiddels ook al gehad over Lake Baikal, de Duitse wetenschapper c.q. amateuralcoholist die het onderzoek leidt heeft als voornaam Thomas [tɒməs] en zijn postdocs zitten aan de shopska salad [sɛlət].
remcoknooi Interessante podcast-aflevering #OnbehaardeApen over biologisch onderzoek in het Meer van Ohrid. Een groot minpunt is dat ze het constant hebben over Lake Ohrid [leɪk ɔɹɪt] terwijl het ding gewoon een Nederlandse naam heeft en wij de [x] in [ɔxrit] best wel kunnen uitspreken.
braveenk If we’re calling people “diversity hires” then I would like to also coin the term “homogeneity hire”:
A person who is hired, not because they were the best, but because they were the same.
Used in a sentence: “Mike hired another Mike - he’s probably a homogeneity hire🤭”
baileythegreen Look at how confident they were in their in their misinformation, speaking about a field they (to my knowledge) had not studied! Note the utter lack of hedging in the prose!
Are there any surer signs a book is written by white men?

HannavonKaese Deutschland ist so beliebt in der Welt, 1919 und 1945 wollten viele Länder ein eigenes Stück abhaben < 3 pic.twitter.com/pBVCniVJrq
labenzticker Weltwitz, der: Absurdes Hybriduniversum, von dem man träumt, wenn man gerade mehrere Romane parallel liest und zu schwer zu Abend gegessen hat. labenz.neutsch.org/Weltwitz

BVG_Kampagne In Mitte müsst ihr jetzt weniger stiefeln. pic.twitter.com/vpbnCxJTvN
SimonDeDeo Rough guide to Machine Learning: it lets you do everything faster, but crappier, biased, and uninterpretably.

anna_pryslopska 'Twoud have been the season. pic.twitter.com/ZGYfJam3ZN
rajiinio She didn't resign, a meta-thread. #IStandWithTimnit twitter.com/JeffDean/statu…
Has anybody made two (or more) mutually quoting tweets yet? /cc @quinetweet
stralauinBerlin This is very nice: Oisín Moran | How I Made a Self-Quoting Tweet oisinmoran.com/quinetweet
chris_herd 💩Bullshit Tasks: The need to pad out your 8 hour day will evaporate, replaced by clear tasks and responsibilities
Workers will do what needs to be done rather than wasting their trying to look busy with the rest of the office
chris_herd 💃Personal choice: the smartest people I know personally are all planning to work remotely this decade
The most exciting companies I know personally all plan to hire remotely this decade
~90% of the workforces we've spoken to never want to be in an office again full-time
brynguist Fellow precariously-employed linguists: Within less than 24 hours of tweeting this, I got a teaching position for next semester. If you are in a similar position—seeking a stop-gap position to pay your bills while the job market recovers, please steal my strategy! twitter.com/brynguist/stat…
Aber warum sollte man twitter.com/derwahremawa/s…

anni_leskela ridiculously easy to spot undercover dogs trying to infiltrate dog training blogs tbh pic.twitter.com/r2XXNmNW1g