HoneckMischa „Die Briten sind die deutlich stärkere Mannschaft,“ tönt der ARD-Mann selbstsicher beim Spiel England gegen Wales.
TerribleMaps World map according to fish pic.twitter.com/4Gd8A0q2RF
pearlsnapped wait til the end twitter.com/davejavupride/…
Cavalorn If I own a bike, and I change my name to Tim, it does not follow that Tim has stolen Adrian's bike.
Cavalorn Of course when most people speak of The Pagans, they mean those nice Generic Pagans who loved the earth and drew pentagrams on things and had mother goddesses and celebrated the Eightfold Wheel of the Year
You know, the ones from around 1973
Schön, dass sich das gegeben hat. twitter.com/texttheater/st…
#WordOfTheDay: scrollytelling fnordon.de/@herr_rau/1094…
J_Fleischhauer Eine sinnvolle Petition des Elternnetzwerks der RUB für familienfreundlichere Vorlesungszeiten (in NRW): openpetition.de/petition/onlin… Gerne teilen und noch lieber unterschreiben!
spacetwinks doctor: treatment is simple. go see orville, very funny clown
pagliacci: what about pagliacci?
doctor: pagliacci? man i could not name a more suckass clown
doctor: just downright dogshit of a clown
nycartoons Cartoon by Roz Chast
newyorker.com/cartoon/a27171 pic.twitter.com/mFfsPu2bii
paulg No one realized it at the time, but the accident at Three Mile Island cost thousands of lives. Not directly, but by making nuclear power unpopular in the US, and thus causing us to switch to more dangerous power sources. pic.twitter.com/vXM9EQ2O22
matt_meeta paul von hindenburg was sollte das damals
But... why?? twitter.com/symbolicstorag…
aniceburrito HitlerLuvr88: there should be like an exterminate button on here to cleanse the world of all degenerates irl
Elon: testing this now🤣 btw I love your name & I love Hitler from the holocaust.
Aharon57: good morning from Tel Aviv!
wortgeburt Gebläsegärtner. ( via @SchoenScheisse ) twitter.com/schoenscheisse…
opinonhaver as a Radical Scholar, I believe that my role is not to just analyze the world, cloistered in my ivory tower, but bring forth change into it via The People, which is why all of my public facing messages are deliberately provocative and insane sounding to normal people.
SashaWilmoth Possession > obligation is a well-known grammaticalisation pathway (eg English 'have to'), and Pakendorf and Schalley (2007) describe possibility > prohibition in several languages. Has anyone written about possession > prohibition?
AndyHa_ Footage of Japan fans taking litter out of a bag and leaving it all over the stadium whilst laughing and smiling. Disgraceful scenes. pic.twitter.com/M3MjYyIgNf