bercobeute Psst, devs: Livescript = Python’s clarity, JavaScript’s ecosystem, Haskell power. Grab that ball and RUN!
BayesForDays Thing I legit said yesterday: « Zipf is an asshole » but of course this is just synecdoche
ahoi_polloi Richtige Wissenschaft und Pseudowissenschaft lassen sich relativ einfach unterscheiden: Mach einen Witz über sie und warte auf die Reaktion.
OwenJones84 Correct me if I'm wrong here, but is a British general threatening a military coup in the Sunday Times?!
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On page 169 of 499 of Thinking, Fast and Slow, by Daniel Kahneman: "Resistance to stereoty...…
StationCDRKelly Use the toilet.…
yoavgo If you do probability, I think you will find this to be super-useful:…
haldaume3 @yoavgo maybe unfair, but such exps are easy 2do; if they're not there, i assume the results are opposite of what paper is trying to sell
yoavgo @gideonmann @haldaume3 (I do realize most papers are like that. but come-on, tell me at least what's the effect of the different components)
yoavgo I wish less NN+NLP research was directed towards beating the baselines, and more towards analysis of what works and why.
DesignTimes The #earth is not round. Here's earth without the oceans.
TheTweetOfGod This is the current leading candidate for the Republican nomination for President of the United States.…
Den Aufwind des Separatismus kann man aber auch fortschrittlich deuten: Nation überflüssige Stufe zw. Region&EU?…
faz_donalphonso Das wird also wieder ein übermüdetes Gefasel und das Furchtbare ist; Es steht dann nicht irgendwo, sondern in der FAZ, Es ist so peinlich.
Mein Plan für den Sontag: immer abwechselnd eine Folie machen und ein Kleidungsstück in den Schrank falten.
ahoi_polloi Unterschätze Kulturepochen: Der amerikanische Barock'n'Roll.
Slate Are GMOs safe? Yes. The case against them is full of fraud, lies, and errors:
pattymo GOOD COP: Crazy girlfriend? I know how THAT is
BAD COP: He's trying to get on your side so you confess
GOOD COP: Jesus Christ, Frank
ohmyzsh What are you people using to make those animated gifs/videos for terminal prompt demos?