nvbinder @NewYorkFBI This means you're not part of the caper, right?
NewYorkFBI #Breaking no seizure warrant at the arrest of Martin Shkreli today, which means we didn't seize the Wu-Tang Clan album.
nsaphra Gloat over Shkreli's arrest! he is King of Late Capitalism so all issues of pharma regulatory failure will disappear once he is in prison :}
peterbreuer Mit dem Taxi einmal um die Welt. Und nach zwei Jahren und 150 Kilometer vor zuhause sagt der Fahrer dann: „Ich mach mal die Uhr aus, nech.“
schrillmann jörg, ein name wie eine dateiendung
johnmyleswhite Serious question: how did statistics get so popular? My experience is that assumptions required for valid inference seldom hold in practice.
the_author_ And then walks out on him because he'd probably still be an insufferable elitist ass
the_author_ "My Fair Lady" remake, but Eliza Doolittle teaches Higgins about the value of code-switching and the validity of vernacular language
Schplock Word-Geständnis: Ich bin die Art Mensch, die glaubt, dass durch "Hinzufügen zum Wörterbuch" alles immer besser wird. Now: "Reanalyseinput".
laquadrature Appel unitaire : sortir de l'état d'urgence laquadrature.net/fr/Sortir%20de…
wellendonner - "What do we want?"
- "Now!"
- "When do we want it?"
- "Fewer race conditions!"
ojahnn The bot is a digital version of a machine designed by Georg Philipp Harsdörffer in 1651. More info: directory.eliterature.org/individual-wor…
@kusanowsky @frachtschaden Ah, das gute alte Universalargument: Es gibt Wichtigeres. Auch prima auf sich selbst anwendbar!
Lotterleben So apparently my team decided to take me to a pub to say goodbye. *before* the exit interview. "This way the interview's more fun!"