dasSubjekt »Die Moralisierung des privaten Handelns ist ein direkter Reflex auf die Entpolitisierung der Politik.« Leseempfehlung für diesen großartigen Text von @berndulrich! zeit.de/2018/37/moral-…
apmoore94 Contains a great table on what Significant test you should use for different NLP tasks #NLProc twitter.com/arxiv_cscl/sta…

benmschmidt @alexpmil @dmimno @informor Adversarial folk stylometry pic.twitter.com/mikv0MQmJR
sengeln @beritmiriam "Some people can scarcely talk to their best friends on the phone without becoming angry. The telephone demands complete participation, unlike the written and printed page. Any literate man resents such a heavy demand for his total attention." McLuhan, Understanding Media, S. 291
ArrantPedantry @IvaCheung Okay, so I obviously have no idea how the hell to pluralize "et al.," and I'm not going to bother finding a less hideous way than that.
IvaCheung @ArrantPedantry Do you want to borrow ReferenceBot? ivacheung.com/2016/06/refere…
EternalBusboy I’m not a socialist because I like people I just want everyone to have everything they need so they leave me the hell alone
wiase Erkläre mir den Erfolg von Club Mate unter jungen Leuten damit, daß die nicht mehr wissen, wie Abwaschwasser schmeckt, und es deshalb nicht merken.
Was ich gerne öfter sagen würde (1) texttheater.net/was-ich-gerne-…

PerlenDL "Lesen Sie die Auflösung unserer Umfrage - und wie wir die Frage gemeint haben - in unserer nächsten Ausgabe!" #PerlenDL pic.twitter.com/JJPspO5l0D

DegenRolf The liking gap: "People systematically underestimated how much their conversation partners liked them and enjoyed their company," journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.11… pic.twitter.com/tC8ii1UOyD

Wikipedia There were over 20 million objects inside the #MuseuNacional. Did you take a photo of any of them? Help us preserve the memories of as many as we can and add them to @WikiCommons. Here's how to do it from your desktop: pic.twitter.com/jMwbj15Kg3