martijnwieling Ik registreer al een tijd hoeveel uur ik werk. Het afgelopen jaar was het iets meer dan 40 u/wk. Dat is dan wel bij een (bewust gekozen) werkweek van 30 u. Het is prachtig werk, maar alle taken (onderwijs, onderzoek, outreach, bestuur) passen niet binnen de tijd. #werkdruk…
Oniropolis The late great Mark Fisher on the allure of imaginary books, from 'The Weird and the Eerie' (published by @RepeaterBooks).
ojahnn I initially played a handful of rounds of three-dimensional *hexagonal* minesweeper, but somehow it wasn't as thrilling as the triangular version. First time fewer sides in a polygon have made anything *more* interesting to me
"Speak now or forever zip it"
Schwipp-Schwapp-Schwupp-Schwägerinnen "Sibling-in-Law" #lustiges #feedly
bronwyn I agree with (what I assume to be) the underlying sentiment but: it is. It very clearly is.
I wish people would say: “it is wrong and dehumanizing to apply this word to people” instead of making weird grammatical (or possibly lexicographic) claims.…
jacques_immo No one has more confidence in me than the bitch from 6 months ago who writes my conference abstracts