Das Bild ❤️❤️❤️ twitter.com/zeitonline/sta…
kjhealy Treatment group gets horse. Multiple control groups get variously a) Picture of Horse, b) My Little Pony Toy, c) Copy of "Black Beauty" by Anna Sewell, d) A cat, and lastly e) The knowledge that other girls got a f***ing horse for free. Outcomes were poorest for Group E.
microth Accomplishment of the day: a script called remove_whitespacelines.sh, which looks like this: grep -v "^\s" $1 | grep -v "^ " | grep -v "^ " | grep -v "^ " | grep -v "^ " | grep -v "^ "
fvrmvn if someone rebranded “doing the dishes” as “Sink Zero” there would be a lot more guys in Silicon Valley with clean kitchens
HummelFamilie Mein Dialog des heutigen Abends war:
Mutter: "Was machen Sie denn mit den Kindern, wenn es am Wandertag regnet?"
Lehrer: "Wandern!"

adimit Werd. German @googlemaps shows the German names for Gdańsk, Poznań, and Szczecin, but not Wrocław (formerly Breslau.) It misspells Wrocław, but not Łódź. pic.twitter.com/x9DS0CR2Vm
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